Goodbye Sanders

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Jake and I woke up.

"Morning princess."

"Morning. I'm leaving today."

"Yes you are. So we better get up and dressed. It's 7am and your uncle is coming at 8."


We got up and I went to take a shower and brushed my teeth while he goes and make coffee. I got dressed and went to the kitchen. He quickly went to take a shower and did his needs and got dressed. We drank our coffee and it was almost 8.

"I'm leaving today."

"I know."

We got everything ready and we wait in the living room. And the shock hits me completely.

"I'm leaving today. This is it. I'm leaving today."

"You keep saying that princess."

The door bell rings.

"Yeah that's because I'm leaving today."

"Oh my gosh I'm leaving today."

The doorbell rings again.

"It's open." I yelled.

"Princess just calm down."

"I don't know why I'm freaking out."

"Oh she's nervous." Uncle Ben said.

"She is very nervous."

"Please stop talking."

"Sis calm down." El came in and comes to me holding both my hands in hers.

"It's ok. I know this is a lot for you. But you got a bright future ahead of you. You can do this."

"Why aren't you freaking out?"

"Because I'm not you."


"Kidding. You're nervous and scared. And that's ok. But you have nothing to be afraid of."

I looked at her.

"Take a deep breath."

I did as she said.


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak out. It's all just happening so fast now. My feelings is mixed up. This house was all I've known for so many years. Jake sorry. I'm just nervous. And scared. But also very happy. I want to scream, cry, laugh, so many things at once right now. I'm sorry."

"It's ok princess."

"Can you all just give me a few minutes alone?"

"We can yes. Jake, uncle Ben. Lets give her some space." El showed them both to move.

They nod. Jake took our things and he and my uncle leaves.

"Meet you outside when you're ready."

"Thanks." I nod.

She leaves too.

And I stood there in silence for a while.

"This is it. I'm leaving for good this time. My new beginnings is starting today. And I have to say goodbye. I'm going to miss this house. No only because it's all I've known for so long. But also because. I'm leaving behind a spirit who has been guiding me for so long too. Someone who spend all her time with me and my sister. Aunt Lily. I hope you are proud of me. I hope this was what you wanted for me. I know I have to move on. You always told me never to hold back. And I'm sorry that I did for 3 years. I let fear take over my life and I'm so sorry I did. I let dark shadows surround me. The pain caused by Bryan and the pain of loosing the only mother I've known for so long. But I'm going to live my life now. And go for my dreams. Goodbye."

And I left. I went to the front of the house and my uncle Ben was standing there.

"Uncle Ben. Here. Please take good care of it."

"I will Jen."

He takes the keys.

"Goodbye Jen. Be good. And go get that degree."

He hugs me tight. And I hugged him back.

"Love you Jen."

"Love you too uncle Ben. Thanks for everything."

He gave him another tight hug. And he  lets go and leaves.

I took another deep breath.

"Goodbye Sanders."

Jake comes to me.

"Ready to go princess?"

"Yes. Lets go." I smiled.

I took his hand and we got in the taxi and off to the airport we were.


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