Starting our movie

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A/N: The Director in the pic.


Jake and I went inside and everyone was there. Lilo greeted. She was already ready and the rest of the cast went to the back to get ready.

"Hey. How did the recording go?"

"Hi. It went well. How are you?"

"Busy. With the series and this movie. And I have another movie coming on. So I'm busy."

"How's the series coming along?"

"It's good. Bryan is apart of it again for a while."

"Oh. So he's back in the series?"

"For a short time yes."

"How is it to have him back?"

"Not bad actually. His nice to everyone. I heard he is going to be in a big film now."

"Good for him."

"Do you want some series? I have so much I would like to pass some on."

"Yes. I want Once upon a time. And Grey's anatomy."

"You watch Grey's anatomy?"

"Of course I do. It's one of the best shows ever."

" I agree but I'm so behind. I'm on season 9."

"Oh it's bad about Mark and Lexie."

"Yes. They were my favorite."

"Mine too well one of them. I'm on season 11. I need from 12 till the lastest one."

"What else do you want. Have you watched Drop dead gorgeous?"

"Oh yes. I loved it. But I'm done with it."

"It's good. And I'll give you once upon a time. From what season?"

"Season 4."

"Ok. Just let me know what else you want."

"I will thanks."

"And I'm going to give you one I think you would like too."


"Unforgettable. It's about a cop who never forgets. And Suits about a lawyer who has a photographic memory."

"Sounds nice. Yeah I think I'll like that."


"We actually ran into Bryan yesterday. He tried to be all nice."

"It's because he is scared of you."

"I don't care."

"We should get started. Lilo did you see the director?"


"I'm going to check at the back."

Both Lilo and I nod. And Jake went to the back.

"Looks like things are well with you and Jake."

"It is. Very. Lilo he makes me so happy. I'm so happy."

"That's good. You deserve it."

"It feels so good to hear the L-word from someone. I mean Adam did say it. Yes. But Bryan never did. And every time I say it to Jake. He says it back to me. It feels so good."

"I'm glad."

Jake comes back.

"He will be here soon. Stuck in traffic."

Love in Sanders bloom (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now