Haunted memories

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I walked to my uncle's shop. Sanders towing.

As I walked in. He was on the phone busy talking. As soon as he was done. He saw me and came towards me.

Uncle Ben: "Hi Jen. How are you?"

Jen: "Hi uncle Ben. I'm ok. Was that guy here for his car yet?"

Uncle Ben: "No. Not yet."

Jen: "How long do you think it will take to fix his car?"

Uncle Ben: "I'm not sure. Maybe 3 weeks maybe 4 weeks. Why? Is something wrong?"

Jen: "I just need to know. He asked me if he could stay with me while his car are being fixed."

Uncle Ben: "And what did you say?"

Jen: "I said yes."

He got upset.

Uncle Ben: "And why would you do that Jen? Haven't you learned not to trust people that easily? Especially strange guys you don't even know."

Jen: "He doesn't have a place to stay. And I just thought I could help him out. I told him no funny business. And of course I've learned. And thanks for reminding me why."

I got upset too and I started crying.

Uncle Ben: "I'm sorry Jen. I just don't want you to get hurt again. And why can't he go to the Motel?"

Jen: "Because his phone's broken and his credit card is lost. He has nowhere to go. I'm just being nice ok. I know what happened to me. I didn't forget. Even if I want to. It's not necessary for you to bring it up again. It's been hard enough for me."

Uncle Ben: "I know. I'm sorry. I'm just looking out for you."

Jen: "I can look out for myself."

Jake enters the shop. I quickly wipe the tears away and stare to the floor.

Jake: "Hi. Sorry. Am I interrupting something?"

Uncle Ben: "Yes."

I looked at my uncle.

Jen: "No. We're done. I have to go."

I stormed out of the shop.

Jake: "I'm guessing you are Ben?"

Uncle Ben: "Yes."

Jake: "Jennifer said my car is here."

Uncle Ben: "Yes. Now you listen to me. If you try anything with her and hurt her. I will come after you. Do you understand me?"

Jake: "Calm down. I'm just staying with her until my car is fixed. I'm not gonna try anything with her. Not if she doesn't want me to."

Uncle Ben: "Good. Now about your car. I'm not sure how long it will take to get fixed. Maybe 3 weeks maybe 4.

Jake: "Ok. Thanks."

Uncle Ben: "And remember what I said about Jen."

Jake: "I will."

Jake turns around and walks out of the shop and whisper "pervert."

And he exits the shop.

I went back to my office and went inside. I started crying and my sister saw me standing there crying and comes my way.

Eleanor: "Jen are you ok?"

Jen: "Y-yeah... I went to see uncle Ben about Jake's car. And we got into an argument about Jake staying with me. And... And it brought back some memories.

Eleanor sighs "Oh no. Can't he just let things go.
She hugs me.
"I'm sorry. Will you be ok?"

"Y-yeah. I'm just going to go home." I replied.

"Call me if you need me." she replies.

"I-I'll be fine." I push her gently away. "But thanks" I wiped the tears away.
And I walked out of the door and went home.

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