Hello L.A.

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We landed and Jake got his car from their garage. We got in and we drove to Jake's house.

"Here we are." He said when we reached his house.

"My new home." I said chuckling.

He got out and he opened the door for me to get out. We went to the door and he unlocks the door. We went inside.

"Watch your step princess." He says.

I looked at him confused.

He closes the door. And I almost step on a candle when I wanted to go forward.


"Told you to watch your step. Welcome home princess." He says hugging me from behind and kisses me in the neck.

I looked around and there were candles in a path with rose petals in the middle. I walked with the path and in the living room there were words spelled with rose petals. "Welcome home baby." I think my heart stopped beating. My mouth hanged open out of shocked.


Tears formed in my eyes. I was speechless. I couldn't say a word.

"I wanted to make this special for you. I called my sister and asked her if she would do this for me. What do you think?"

I tried to say something. But nothing comes out. I was completely struck.

"Do you like it?"

I nod but there was still no words.

"Have you lost your words?"

I giggled and nod yes.

"Can you please say something. You're making me nervous."

I smirk at him. I walked up to him and I put my hands around his neck and put my mouth to his ear.

"You look cute when you're nervous. I love it. Thank you."

"I thought you lost your voice."

I step back and smirk at him.

"And you will be sad if it was."


"Because you need it for the movie." I smirk.

"Not just that. I want to be able to have a conversion with you."

"Good recover." I said chuckling.

He smiles.

"This is so beautiful charming. Thank you."

"You're welcome. So what do you want to do first? Record your voice? Or go to the set first? And we need to go through the script tonight. And..."

"Woah slow down. We just got here. There's no rush. Is there? And I really want to go watch El tonight. It's the top 4. And I want to be there for her."

"I'm sorry. There's just a lot to do before you start the internship. And I want to get started. Especially if I want this movie to be done by next year."

"And you need to learn to take one step at a time charming. There's no reason to rush this. We have plenty of time. If it is not ready by next year then so be it. It's your movie. And this is your chance to be in the lead role. Take your time with it. And make it one of the best."

"You're so smart. And right."

"Thank you. Tell you what. Lets go get some coffee at Star bucks. Then after that we can go to the studio and work on the script. Then we come back here. Get ready for El's performance. And then go to that. And come home and make sweet love. And get some rest and the rest we can do tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me. Especially the sweet love part. Can't wait for that."

"Yeah I thought you would look forward to that." I said chuckling.

"I love you my princess."

"I love you more charming."

We kissed and we went to Star bucks.

When we got in Star bucks. We saw Bryan there.

"Of course he is here. He is always here." I said rolling my eyes.

"Just ignore him."

"Planning on it. But I don't think he is. Cause he is coming towards us."

Jake sighs and I do too.

"Hi. I heard you are coming back." He said smiling.

"It doesn't concern you." I said glaring at him.

"I'm not here to cause trouble Jen. Relax."

"Then you can leave." I said.

"Why are you being so mean?"

"Oh I learned it from the best. How did you know I am coming back?"

"I overheard Lilo talking about it with one of her friends."

"Is it some kind of hobby of you eavesdropping on people's conversations?"

Jake laughed.

"Are you always like this lately? I'm just trying to be nice here."

"Don't you have other girls to go entertain? Or are you sick of them too?"

"Really Jen?"

"Can you just leave. You make me sick."

"Fine. Congrats on the internship."

"Yeah thanks asshole."

He sighs and he walks away. I breath out the breathe I was holding in.

"I think he is really afraid of you now?"

"I don't care. He can be whatever he wants as long as it doesn't involve me. But I think so too." I laughed.

"Lets go get some coffee."

"Ooh and chocolate cupcakes like that one." I point on the glass.

He laughs. And we went into the ques.


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Love in Sanders bloom (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now