Karaoke night

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El: "You came!"
Jen: "Yes. Hi max."
Max: "Hi Jen. Hi Jake. Listen Jen. If Adam bothers you again just let me know."
Jen: "I will thanks."
Jake: "Why would he bother you?"
El: "He always does when she's here. And you look different Jen."
Jen: "I feel different. But I have to pee. Excuse me."

*Jen leaves to the bathroom*

El: "What have you done to my sister Jake?"
Jake: "Nothing. Why?"
El: "She looks happy. And she's smiling. The last time I saw her smile like that was 3 years ago."
Jake: "I don't think I have anything to do with it. I just think she's having fun."
El: "Well whatever it is. Keep it up."
Jake: "She told me about your aunt. That she's the one who took care of her when she was sick."
El: "Did she tell you everything?"
Jake: "Yes."
El: "Well that's a start. She has started opening up and it's with you."
Jake: "Is this good?"
Max: "It's very good."
El: "She trusts you."
Jake: She does?"
El: "Yes. Just keep doing what you're doing."
Jake: "Ok."

*at Jen*

Adam: "Jen."
Jen: "What do you want Adam?"
Adam: "How are you?"
Jen: "You know, the only time you want to talk to me is when you're drunk and when I'm here."
Adam: "I miss you Jen."
Jen: "And you have Olivia."
Adam: "She's not you."
Jen: "And you left me for her."
Adam: "I made a mistake."
Jen: "This is ridiculous. I don't have time for this."

*Jen walks away*

El: "What took you so long?"
Jen: "I ran into Adam. Again."
Max: "Just let me know when I should beat him up."
Jen: "No. Just leave it."
El: "What did he want?"
Jen: "Take a guess."
El: "Jen I miss you."
Jen: "Spot on."
El: "Why can't he just leave you alone?"
Jen: "I'm asking the same question."
Jake: "So this is why you don't like coming here?"
Jen: "Yes. But he's drunk."
El: "Are you gonna do a song with me?"
Jen: "Only if I pick the song."
El: "Just no Adele."
Jen: "No Adele. There's a song I want to do."
El: "What song?"
Jen: "Skyscraper."
El: "Nice."
Jen: "And waisted love."
El: "Going deep."
Jen: "Yes."

*On the stage*

We sang skyscraper together.

Jen: "That felt so good."
El: "What's happening to you?"
Jen: "I don't know. But it feels good."

Jake: "Looks like she had fun. And she has a beautiful voice."
Max: "Are you talking about Jen or El?"
Jake: "I'm talking about Jen. El has a great voice too but I was talking about Jen."
Max: "Do you like Jen?"
Jake: "Don't tell El. But yes I do. I'm crazy over her."

El: "Do the next one by yourself."
Jen: "Why?"
El: "Just trust me."
Jen: "Ok."

Jake: "Is she doing this one on her own?"
El: "Yes. She just has to."

Jen sings Waisted love.

Jen: "I'm not going to cry. I don't want to cry anymore. I need to move on. I need to forget about him. I don't want to feel like this anymore. It's been too long. I need to forget about him."

Jake: "What happened?"
El: "The moment I heard she wanted to do the songs. I knew she is looking for reasons to forget about Bryan. She wants to forget the pain he has caused."
Jake: "Why now?"
El: "I think it's because of you."
Jake: "She told me she feels comfortable around me."
El: "She did?"
Jake: "Yes. The day she showed me around the town."
El: "This is good."
Jen: "What are you talking about?"
El: "Just how amazing you sang that song. And looked like you were at war with yourself."

*Jen's phone rings*

Jen: "Hold that thought."
"I'm on my way."
Jen: "I have to go. Mrs Lewis is in the hospital. And it doesn't look good."
El: "Ok."

*To Be Continued*

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