Calling a special friend

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When we got home I went to take a shower and changed into a yellow strap top and white shorts.
Then I took my laptop and went through the emails Lilo send me. It made me laugh and cry and smile at once.
I picked up the phone and dial her number and called her.
She immediately picked up.

Jen - Hey Lilo.

Lucy - Omg. Jennifer Steele? I must be dreaming. Can you hold on let me just get out of the studio where its more quiet.

Jen - Oh your at the studio...

Lilo - Yeah I'm always here. Don't worry he's not here. He's not so involved in the series anymore.

Jen - Good to know. I'm taking a risk here calling you not knowing if he is there or not.

Bryan - Shes talking to Jen. I might stay and listen here while she doesn't know I'm here.

Lilo - Put your phone on video call. Please I wanna see you.

Jen - Ok. Hold on.

I switched my phone to video call.

Lilo - You look good.

Bryan - She does look good.

Lilo - So you wait 3 years to finally call me?

Jen - It's been hard. I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you. But you know why. You've been there.

Lilo - I know I was so mad at him for what he did. We all were.

Jen - Yeah I was trying to forget it but I couldn't. Thanks for the emails. I love it especially the one about Bryan.

Lilo - I thought you would. I wrote it the day he left you to cheer you up. And you didn't reply.

Jen - I didn't read it till now.

Lilo - Ah wow. You just hurt my feelings. Seriously Jen. And the girls say hi.

Jen - I'm sorry. It's been hard and tough. I didn't mean to ignore you. I tried for 3 years to forget what he did to me. But it kept haunting me. I was deep in the dark place. I've shutted everyone out. Except El and Max and Toby. I'm sorry.

Bryan - Wow 3 years that's long. I actually feel bad.

Lilo - It's ok Jen. But you look amazing. I love your hair. But you lost a lot of weight. Have you been eating?

Jen - Thanks. And not really. I've been really busy. I forgot to eat. Sometimes. I focused on my work. I'm a doctor now. But because of the accident that happened I'm just a GP. I have my own office.

Bryan - She achieved her dream.

Lilo - Your sister told me. And how's the scars?

Bryan - What accident?

Jen - It's gone. But I'm considering going into trauma.

Jake - Oh she's considering it.

Lilo - Why trauma?

Jen - I'm really good at it. It's more my talent.

Lilo - What made you decide that?

Jen - There was an accident at the club in Nashville. This guy came up to me and he made a move on  me and used this cheesy line that we should make out. And I kick his ass and he got hurt and I had to safe his life.

Love in Sanders bloom (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now