Adam's past

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I woke up and El was sitting on the bed. I look at her confused.

"What are you doing here?"

"Jake let me in. He's in the kitchen."

"I need some coffee."

"Still on the edge today?"

"I just woke up."

I got up and went to the bathroom. She follows me. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I did all my deeds and did my hair and makeup. I went downstairs and Jake hands me and El some coffee.

"El wants to go with us to the studio. Max will meet us there."


We finished our coffees and left to the studio. Jake and the cast were busy with some of Adam's scenes. El and Max decided to go get everyone something to eat since it's been all morning that we have been there. When they left I could see Jake was a bit irritated with Robbie, the guy who plays Adam. He went outside and I thought of something that might help. I went outside to Jake.

"I think I can help with this. But what I'm about to say can not leave this walls. Adam puts his pain into anger. I don't mean pain from love, but pain from rejection."

"What do you mean?"

"Let me talk to Robbie but I need to do it alone. You can join us but nobody else."


We went inside and Jake tells Robbie to follow him. We went into a private office and we all sat down. 

"Robbie what I'm about to tell you can not leave this office. I'm only telling you because you can understand the Adam character better."

Robbie nods and I took a deep breathe in and left it out.

"The first time I met Adam we both were 14 years old. He just moved to Sanders when we met. He sat next to me because the only seat that were open was next to me. He was sweet but also very shy. But I could see in his eyes that there was a lot of pain. I always wondered why. We became close friends since that day. But just friends. We used to study together because he asked me to help him. We were friends for 2 years before we started dating. Before we did he finally invite me over to his house. That's where I met his grandma. The sweetest person in the world. That day he told me about his parents. That they are drug addicts and live in a trailer park. They left him when he was 6 months old. He told me that he asked about them a lot. So his grandma decided to go show him where his parents are. So that he could meet them. He was 10 years old when he first met them. His grandma couldn't face them for what they did so she let him go alone. He told them he is their son. They told him that he was a mistake. They never wanted him. They were high from all the drugs that day. After that they abused him and other things that I can't name. They left him there to bleed and in pain. His grandma opened a case against them but they never could find them. So she decided to move to a place where they an start fresh and new. But it's still hunting him what they did to him."

When I told Robbie this story. It hit me why Adam is the way he is. And why he did what he did. I felt terrible. 

"Oh no... What have I done? The answers was right in front of me all this time. Oh gosh... I'm a horrible person." I said sighing. 

"I think I'll leave you. Thanks for telling me Jen. It does help."

"No problem."

Robbie leaves and Jake looks at me. 

"Are you going to dropped the charges?"

"I'm sorry but I have to. I can't do this to him. He thinks I didn't care. That's why he left me. He thought I didn't love him. That I rejected him the way his parents did. This is really my fault. I made a huge mistake. Adam is in jail because of me. I hurt his feelings. If Olivia knew she would have said something which means he trust me more than anyone. He did love me. Don't worry I'm not taking him back. But I can be there for him as a friend. I can't do this to him. Please don't be mad at me for this."

"I'm not mad. I know you. So make the call."

"Thank you. I love you. Thank you for understanding."

"That was an awful story. But he needs help."

"I want to help him as a friend. I know how to help him."

He nods and I called Ethan. After I called Ethan I called a few other people and Carmel too.


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