Finally I was ready

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Olivia got the door unlocked and Jake storms in first.

Jake- Jen. Are you ok?

He held my arms and I hugged him tight.

Jen- I am now.

El storms in and after her Bianka.
I let go of Jake.

El- Are you ok?

Bianka- Are you ok?

Both hugged me.

Jen- I'm so glad to see you guys. How did you find me?

Olivia was standing at the door and then came forward towards us.

Olivia- I've helped them.

I let go of El and B and was surprised to see Olivia.

Jen- What? How did you... why... I mean what's going on?

Olivia- I was wrong about Adam. He never loved me. He always loved you.

Jen- Yeah I figured.... Thanks.

Olivia- I'm so sorry Jen. I'm so sorry for what I did. It was awful and stupid.

Jen- Can we talk about this later. And get out of here.

Olivia- There's a cabin near by. We can spend the night there.

Jen- Lead the way.

We all rushed out of there and went to the cabin following Olivia.
We went into the cabin. It was small. And as I glanz over it only had 2 rooms. One upstairs and one downstairs. So we had to share rooms. It had a cosy vibe though. Fire place. Sofa just for two and one 3 seated couch. Small kitchen. And one bathroom downstairs and one in the room upstairs. And that was the cabin.

We all stood there in silence. I was quiet cause I was just kidnapped and rescued. And still wrapping my mind around it.

Olivia- Jen I'm really sorry for all of this. It's all my fault.

El- You can say that again.

Jen- El please.

B- Els right.

El- If it wasn't for her. Adam never would have cheated on you. You would have never met Bryan and Adam would have never kidnapped you.

Jen- No its not. It's not her fault. Adam would have still cheated. I would have still met Bryan and all of this would have still happened. It's not Olivias fault.

Olivia- I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you Jen.

Jen- Olivia stop apologizing. And B and El stop this. Olivia saved my life. She helped me. So please stop this.

El- Ok your right. Thanks Olivia.

Jen- Thanks for saving me guys.

El- You know I will do anything for you. Your my only sister.

Bianka- Your my Jenny no one can replace my Jenny.

I just giggled.

Jen- Thanks sis love you. And B this Jenny isn't going anywhere.

We all laughed.

El- But Adam will pay for this.

Jen- And here we go. I don't want more drama. I've had enough of all the drama. This is the last of all this.

Love in Sanders bloom (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now