Road to my past part 1

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I walked into the bar and looked for Jake. He was sitting in the corner looking at his beer all sad. I would know the sad look I have been walking around with it for 3 years. I felt bad. It's my fault he is sad.

I build up some courage. Took a few breaths. And walked his way. But then Adam spotted me and stopped me.

Adam- Hi Jen.
Jen- What do you want Adam?
Adam- I miss you Jen.
Jen- Seriously? You left me for my best friend. Remember that? Olivia. The one you cheated with when you were dating me. Remember that?
Adam- I made a mistake.
Jen- Well you made your choice.
Adam- I know you want me Jen?
Jen- What? I don't want you.
Adam- Isn't that why you come here?
Jen- Goodness... No. I don't want you. We're over.
Adam- Give me another chance Jen.
Jen- What about Olivia?
Adam- She's not you.
Jen- You're crazy if you think I'll come back to you. I don't love you anymore. I moved on.
Adam- With Jake?
Jen- It's none of your business. But no.
Adam- I want you back.

Before I could answer him. Someone else walks in and interrupt me.

Ethan- Well you can't be with her.
Adam- Why not?
Ethan- Cause she's with me. Right baby?
Jen- Baby? You're with Carmel. We're not together.
Ethan- Oh come on. We can make history together. I can be your Romeo.
Jen- What is this asshole day? I'm not interested.
Adam- She's with me.

I looked to the floor in disappointment. And then suddenly behind me someone stands and was very angry. Jake.

Jake- Shes not with anyone of you. Didn't you hear what she said. Shes not interested. Now leave her alone.

Jen- Jake don't. They're not worth it.

Ethan- Shes with me.
Adam- No she's with me.
Jake- Shes not. Leave her alone.

Ethan- Whatever I'm out of here.
Adam- Shes with me.

Jake was getting really mad and I grabbed him on his shirt and dragged him away from Adam. Ethan left. We went to the corner where Jake was sitting. And he calmed down a bit.

Jen- Thanks I guess.
Jake- No problem. Who's the other guy?
Jen- Ethan. He's a lawyer in Nashville. He's girlfriend owns the boutique here in Sanders. Carmel. I guess the rumors about him is true then. Which is so sad. Cause Carmel is great.
Jake- Well he wants you.
Jen- I don't know what that was.
Jake- Both were fighting over you.
Jen- Well thanks for saving me.
Jake- No problem.

There was a silent between us for a second.

Jake- I'm sorry.
Jen- No its ok Jake.
Jake- Your uncle found my credit card. So I just want you to know that I'll be out of your way from now on.
Jen- Your leaving?
Jake- I just think it will be better if I do. That way you can have your space.
Jen- But I...
Jake- Don't feel bad. I just think its better if I stay away from you. That way I can't do things that your not comfortable with.
Jen- I don't want you to go.
Jake- It's for the best.
Jen- Please stay. I like having you around.
Jake- You do?
Jen- Yes. I know I'm confused about what is happening between us and I know I'm not ready for this yet. But I don't want you to go. Please stay.
Jake- If I stay. You have to tell me why your like this. Why your afraid.
Jen- Thats why I'm here. I'm ready to talk.
Jake- You are?
Jen- Yes.
Jake- Ok. But first I have a surprise for you.
Jen- You do?
Jake- Just listen.

He picked up a mic and sang me one of Adeles songs one and only. I was shocked. Surprised. No one has sang me a song before.

Jen- Wow....
Jake- Did you like it?
Jen- No one has ever done this for me.
Jake- So you liked it?
Jen- I loved it. Thank you.
Jake- Your welcome.
Jen- Why that song?
Jake- Because I like you. I'm crazy over you.
Jen- You are?
Jake- Yes. Your so beautiful. You have the most beautiful smile. Your the sweetest most caring but different in a good way person. I've never met anyone like you. Your smart. And you have the most beautiful eyes. Cause when you smile your eyes lights up. You take my breathe away. That's how beautiful you are. And I want you. I want to be with you. I want to be that someone special for you. Your amazing. I like you just the way you are.

I was shocked....

Jen- Wow.... You really like me?
Jake- Yes I do. Now tell me what happened that made you be so afraid.
Jen- I need a drink first.
Jake- Sure. What do you want?
Jen- Red wine please.
Jake- Red wine it is.

He ordered for him a beer and for me a red wine. He handed me my glass of wine. And took a sip of his beer.

Jake- Ok talk.
Jen- Where do I start?
Jake- From the beginning.
Jen- That means we'll start with Adam.


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