Old friends come back

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Sunday I got all dressed and went to get myself some breakfast. Jake wasn't home since our fight. He was avoiding me I guess. So I got up and dressed and went out.
As I walked to Mirandas deli I heard a familiar voice. But I couldn't see who it was.
And as I got closer I saw her....

Jen- B?

She turned around and smiled all brightly.

Bianka- Jenny?

Bianka and I were in kindergarten together. We were best friends since we were 4 years old. But her father got a job in New York so they moved away when we were 12 years old. We haven't seen each other since then. But occasionally been writing letters to each other.

Jen- Well look who the cat dragged in.

Bianka- And your still the same old Jenny from the block.

Jen- Still not sick of that name for me are you?

Bianka- Well of course not. I gave it to you.

I just giggled and gave her a tight hug and she hugged me back.

Bianka- It's nice to see you again Jenny.

Jen- It's nice to see you too B.

We both let go of each other. And giggled.

Jen- I can see New York has grown on you. You look like a Barbie doll.

Bianka- You used to be one yourself Jenny. Remember the high ponytail and pink dresses you used to wear?

Jen- Well I have changed. I'm a doctor now.

Bianka- Your a doctor? I remember that used to be a big dream of yours.

Jen- I am yes. But just a regular GP.

Bianka- I'm so happy for you. I missed you so much.

Jen- I've missed you too. So are you back for good?

Bianka- It depends.

Jen- On what?

Bianka- If I can find a job in this neighbourhood. Then yeah. My parents are splitting up.

She starts to cry.
Jen- Are you serious?

Bianka- Yes. My mom left my dad for some hot shot producer.

Jen- That's awful.

Bianka- My dad is so heartbroken. He hasn't spoken about it ever since it happened.

Jen- I can only imagine.

Bianka- But enough about that. I want to talk to my best friend that I haven't seen in so long.

Jen- Me too. It's been forever.

Bianka- Hows El?

Jen- Shes great. She's dating Max.

Bianka- You mean that little boy with the cute little dimples and brunette hair. That used to steal your toys for your attention?

Jen- Yes, that's the one.

Bianka- How did that happen?

Jen- In high school. El always had a crush on him. And they became good friends and fell in love. They are dating for 5 years now.

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