Meeting.... AMY!

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Amy was beautiful not going to lie. She has blonde hair with a bit of brown in. Blue eyes with a bit of green. Flawless skin. Skinny. She looked like a model. She was well dressed. She looked like she was rich by the way she was dressing. And she act like it too. While she was walking towards us. I watched her to study her actions. I learned that sometimes you can tell a lot by the way people acts. She was intimidating. I must say. I was nervous. But the words of Jake keeps playing in my head. Just trust me. So I took a deep breath. She was flirting and winking at every guy she was passing. She had a short purple dress on. A light purple. With silver high heels. She had a lot of jewelry on. Big long earrings that was hanging in the neck. A sparkling bracelet. A tiny heart pedant.

She was standing with her hand on her hip and she looked Jake up and down. Then she smirks a little. She had an attitude. Then she glares at me and El. And we returned the glare. Then suddenly when she sees Chloe. She puts on a fake smile. 

"Chloe how are you?"

She finally speaks. After checking everyone out. 

Then she looks at Jake. She gave him a little smirk.

"Hi Jake. Good to see you. It's been a long time."

Jake takes my hand and she looks down to our hands. Then back at us glaring.

"Amy. I'm good. Meet my girlfriend Jennifer." Jake was sarcastic when he talk to her.

"Oh girlfriend. How long are you going to keep this one?"

She looks at him. And glares at me. 

"Do you have a problem?" I snapped at her.

"Darling. The only one with a problem here is your boyfriend." she looks at Jake.

"I'm not your darling." I let go of Jake's hand and stand right in front of her. I wasn't intimidated by her anymore. 

"And you will not talk about him like that." 

"Ooh sassy." she smirks at me.

"Baby just let it go." Jake says to me. 

"Look. I get it. His a catch. But I hope it lasts for you sweetheart."

Chloe crossed  her arms over her chest.

"Amy please leave."

"And don't you dare talk to my sister that way." El comes stand next to me.

"Sisters...." she chuckles. 

"I got this one El." 

"Don't worry. I'll leave your little party here." She says smirking.

"Don't want this pretty face to be ruined. It's too valuable."

I went closer to her. 

"Oh I would like to ruin it for you." staring straight in her eyes glaring at her.

"I'm right behind her." 

She steps back and throw her arms up. 

"Don't worry. I'll leave. Have fun. Cheers." she blows a kiss. 

She turns around. But before she walks away she looks over her shoulder and smirks again. And then she walks away. And go talk to one of the guys she was flirting with.

"Unbelievable. I understand why you left her." I was mad.

"It wasn't necessary to defend me. But thank you."

I took a deep breath. 

"You definitely not afraid to step up to her." Chloe says chuckling.

"Sometimes you just have to." 

I looked to the floor. I was still mad. And her words kinda got to me a bit. The words she said about Jake. 

"Are you ok?" Jake asks.

"I need some air." I said looking at him.

I turned around and just when I was about to walk away.

"Can I come with you?"

"If you want to." 

I walked away. I went outside and stood there on the porch staring in the field near the bar. 

"Baby. What's wrong?" Jake comes up behind me. 

"I just need to cool down." 

I looked down to the floor resting my hands on the rail. 

He hugs me from behind. 

"I guess I have to show you my spot in Sanders. For the movie."

"Yes. You definitely have to."

I had some doubts in me at that moment.

"I'm going to have to find a new one when I move to L.A." I looked down to the floor.

"What's so special about this place?"

He leans against the rail and he tries to get my attention. But I didn't look at him.

"Just... It has a beautiful view. I go there when I need to think. I wish I can be there right now." I sighed. "It's just outside Sanders."

"Or you can talk to me about what is bothering you."

He puts his hand gently on my wrist, wrapping it around it. I looked down to it. And I sighed again.

"What she said. About you. I mean you leaving me. You're not going to do that. Right?" I didn't make eye contact with him. 

He pulls me on my wrist to stand in front of him. I looked down. But he lifts my chin up. He looks me in the eyes. 

"Don't let her words get to you. I left Amy because of the way she treats people. I wasn't in love with her. I am in love with you. I'm madly in love with you. And everyone told you that. I love you. I'm not going to leave you. I've never met anyone like you. And I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. Not even Chloe. And she's the one I dated the longest. But even though Chloe and I dated for 3 years. I've never had the feelings for her like I do for you. I never even told Chloe I loved her. But truth is I wasn't in love with her either. We were more like friends with benefits. And we both were young when Chloe and I dated. What I feel for you. I've never felt for anyone. I love you. I want you. My Juliet. My Sandy. My baby. You're mine."

"Are you using movies now to describe how you feel about me?" I said chuckling.

"I know that was cheesy." he said smirking.

"Just a little. But I like it. Am I your Anastasia too?" I said chuckling.

"Ok. No. But if you want me to say that you are then I will."

I laughed.

"I'm ok. I might have the same last name. But No. I don't wanna be compared to Fifty shades of Grey." 

He chuckles.

"I love you Jennifer Steele."

"I love you more Mr Grey." I winked at him.

He laughs. And I put my hands on his chest.

"I'm kidding. I love you more Jake Warner." I smiled.

He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me close to him while he is leaning against the rail. I look into his eyes. 

"Do you want to go back inside?"

"Can we go home? I'm tired."


"I mean your parents home. Which is actually your home."

He chuckles. 

"Lets get the others."

He kissed me and we went back inside to get the others.


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