Change is happening

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I woke up the next morning. Didn't sleep much. But I was deep in thought.
I was thinking about what Jake wanted to tell me. I don't know why it was bothering me so much. Do I really care that much about what he thinks?
I mean he is sweet and I think he cares about me.
But does it mean that he likes me?
Maybe I'm just imagining things. Maybe he doesn't even like me at all.
I'm so confused. I don't know exactly what I'm feeling. I like him yes. But I'm not sure yet about what is happening. I don't know if I should trust him.
Ugh I can't stop thinking about him. Why is this even on my mind?
He's gorgeous. Those eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes. Gosh.
I wish I could touch him.
Jen you need to stop thinking about this.

Jen sighs....

Jen- I should get up.

I got up and got dressed. I put on some jeans and a shirt.
I brushed my teeth. Comb my hair. Put some make up on.
And soon I was ready and set for the day ahead.

I went to the living room and there he was also dressed and ready for the day ahead.

He smiled when he saw me and with a friendly voice he said.

Jake- Good morning.

I gave him a smile back and responded in a friendly way.

Jen- Good morning. Did you sleep well?

Jake- Yes I did. And you?

Jen- Uh... um... Yeah.

Jake- So you're going back to work on Monday?

Jen- Yes I am.

Jake- Are you excited to go back?

Jen- Yes I am. I feel well rested.

Jake- Well that's good.

Jen- Do you want to do something today?

Jake- If you want to.

Jen- What do you have in mind?

Jake- Anything you want to do.

Jen- Well we can hangout in the town again if you want to.

Jake- Ok.

He steps forward and he has this smirk on his face.

Jen- So shall we go?

He takes another step forward before he answers me.

Jake- Yes.

He looked at me while he comes more closer to me. He was standing really close to me. And he looks me in the eyes. And he smiled. I could feel my cheeks turning red. Is he trying to kiss me? I thought to myself.

Jen- Jake what are you doing?

Jake- Nothing.

And he moves forward until he is really close to me. I could just lift my hand and I would touch him. I don't know if I'm ready for this. I panic. My heart was rising. It was beating fast. I had butterflies in my stomach. I was nervous.
I looked to the floor with my arms crossed nervously over my chest. I wasn't ready for this. I need more time.

Jen- Jake stop.

Jake- Stop with what?

Jen- Stop trying to kiss me.

Jake- Why?

Jen- I don't want you to. Just please stop.

Jake- Jen I know about Adam and Bryan.

When he said that I got really mad. I don't even know why I did. I didn't even know what he knew. All I know is the moment I heard his name. All this doubt came back. Everything came back.
I was forgetting about Bryan. But when Jake said his name it hit me. Why I was holding back. And I got upset. Very upset.

Jen- You know nothing Jake. I knew I was going to regret this. I need to go.

I yelled at him. And stormed out of the house. I was crying when I slammed the door and I just ran. I ran to the place where I know I can always go to think or to cry or hide. My favourite place.

Jake- I should go after her. I pushed too far....


I'm sorry I took so long to update on this. I was extremely busy. Having a new baby in the house kinda takes all your time and working during the day and handling the other 2 kids. Kinda hard to manage everything. I'm not sure when I will update the next one. But it won't be so long again. Thanks for your patients. Ema.

Love in Sanders bloom (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now