Advice from Carmel

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Next morning I went to work and was smiling for the first time in years I had a reason to smile.

El- Morning sis. Why are you smiling?

Jen- Morning. B is back.

El- Really?

Jen- Yes. And she is still the same. I ran into her yesterday.

El- This is great.

Jen- I told her everything. Well kinda didn't have a choice.

El- Sounds like B.

Jen- We're going out tonight. Wanna come?

El- Yes of course I wanna come.

Jen- I'm so glad she's back.

El- It's good to see you smiling.

Jen- It feels good.

El- Carmel is waiting for you in your office.

Jen- Ok. If she leaves come see me. I have something to tell you.

El- What?

Jen- I'll tell you later.

Just then Bianka walks in before I was about to walk away.

Bianka- Well well well. Now I can see you in your unifuniform.

El- B!

Bianka- El.

They hugged each other and soon let go.

El- So your back?

Bianka- Back in a flash.

Jen- See what I mean.

Bianka- Dont you start with me Jenny.

Jen- I wouldn't dare.

All 3 of us laughed and I walked out of the room to my office.
Carmel was sitting on the bed waiting for me.

Carmel- Morning Jen.

Jen- Morning.

Carmel- How are you?

Jen- I'm ok.

Carmel- You seem a bit distracted. Is everything ok?

Jen- Yeah. Sort of. It's just I slept with someone and I'm just so confused to what is happening with us.

Carmel- Why?

Jen- Because of my past. I got hurt by someone I really loved and I thought he loved me too but turns out he didn't.

Carmel- I'm sorry. But I know the feeling. But you won't know if you don't give it a chance with the other person. Do you like the guy?

Jen- Well yeah I have feelings for him or I'm getting feelings for him.

Carmel- I think you should give it a chance. If you into each other why not. And are you talking about the actor that is here?

Jen- Yes.

Carmel- He's attractive I don't blame you.

Jen- Yeah he is. So what's going on with you?

Carmel- Well I keep nothing in. I throw up all the time. I'm nauseous all the time. Everything makes me nauseous. And I'm so tired. And I sleep my 8 hours. But it feels like I didn't sleep at all.

Jen- This will be strange to ask. But when was the last time you had intercourse?

Carmel- A month ago.

Jen- Well I'm going to need to take some tests.

Carmel- Ok. Can you call me with the results? I have to get back to the boutique.

Jen- Sure.

I took some tests from her and she left.
El soon came in after she left and just when she entered the results of Carmel revealed.

El- So what is it that you want to tell me.

Jen- I...

El- Just tell me.

Jen- I slept with Jake.

El- Omg! What? When?

Jen- Friday night. After I went to talk with him. We had a few drinks and he made me feel better. He told me he's crazy over me. And when we got home. It just happened.

El- So how was it?

Jen- It was amazing... Best I've ever had.

El- Omg! You like him. Don't you?

Jen- Y-Yes. I'm falling for him. He's so nice. He's great. He sang me a song one of Adeles songs. And he is so sweet. He even stood up for me with Adam and Ethan when they hit on me.

El- Wait? Ethan made a move on you?

Jen- Yes.

El- You should give Jake a chance. It's time to move on. Stop being scared. I get why you are. But maybe he is the one. And you'll  never know that if you don't try and see where this goes.

Jen- I need more time to think. I want to be sure this time.

El- Ok.

Jen- Lets lock up. I have to go tell someone some news.

El- What news?

Jen- Dont tell Toby but Carmel is pregnant.

El- Why not Toby?

Jen- He likes Carmel and Ethan is cheating on her.

El- Well this day is most surely the most shocking day I've had in a long time.

I just giggled.

Jen- See you later.

We both walked out of my office and locked up. She went to Max and I went to Carmel.


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