Part One: Math

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Jade's Pov:

I stared at him from behind; he didn't have a clue.His perfect figure was leant forward over his work like an arch and I was sat watching him like a fool.

"Jade!" I turned my head as Kayleigh was signalling to me. She pointed at Connor,

"He likes you" She whispered again, louder.I cringed as he slowly turned his head to meet my gaze.I smiled, desperately as he gave me a look as if to say 'Psyco.'

"Thanks" I whispered to her, I tried to give the evils best I could but she smiled again, oblivious.I stared at the board, okay so now we are doing algebra?? I asked myself.

I looked at the empty page of my maths book, like every other girl in the class I had Niall Horan tattooed all over the front.I had an agreement with myself, if I didn't have the boy I loved now, I would have Niall.He just didn't know it yet.

I sighed, Sophie looked at me and smiled. She always sat near the window, so her brown hair always shone and sparkled, one of her best features. I for one, had always been put in the middle aisle near the naughty kids like Taylor Kimberley and Elliot Barnes. The same children everyone hated but failed to admit. I had to keep an eye on them as sir would say, to make sure they weren't caught smoking again. I stared at my page once more and started drawing, the words 'Crazy mofo' were etched into the side.

Mr. Lawson looked at me upon his dark moustache. Wow that guy really needs to shave, I giggled.I was a proper psyco.

Suddenly I realised the reason he was looking at me, I looked at Kayleigh who was staring right back at me.

"Sorry what sir?" I asked him, then I suddenly saw that I had completely ignored the bell for breaktime. It was going to be one of those days. I thought, and I was right.

I scraped my chair along the wooden floor as it made a horrible noise.Kayleigh shot me a look saying hurry up or i'm leaving. I didn't hesitate to run half way out the doors.

"Your so embarrasing" She whined, the freckles on her face stood out impulsively.

"I know, i'm so sorry" I answered sarcastically. I opened my blue locker and paused, a peice of pink paper sat at the bottom.

"Err Kay, come and have a look at this" Kayleigh sighed and rolled her eyes before snatching the note out of my hands.

"Will you be my valentine?"

The note read, I gasped as the name I craved appeared at the bottom.

Leondre xx

Thanks for reading guys!! Follow me on twitter Harrysgirlie and instagram is Fakeliampaynis xxily all

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