Unlike yesterday when we break today we do not go to his secret room. This time he stands up and goes to his phone on one of the walls. It's a brown phone that seemingly looks to blend in with the room, he dials the number and waits for the caller to pick up.

When the other person on the line picks up I can hear high-pitched voice but the words sound like muffled groans. He starts speaking so fast and in such a language that sounds familiar but doesn't quite sound right, I can't understand anything he says.

He continually has a conversation with the other person on the line and they go back and forth, and I'm assuming answering questions. After a couple minutes of their transaction he nods his head even though the person cannot see him and I assume says a farewell.

He puts the phone back on its handle and looks over at me. "I've something I need to do today, if you want you can continue daydreaming or do some more work while I'm away." He gives a playful wink and leaves the room. I know that he saw me at least twice while I was daydreaming but I didn't know he knew I was daydreaming.

I consider daydreaming some more but now I feel tenser with him not in the room, I feel like something could jump out at me at any time. I continue to do more work until he comes back. He comes back probably 4 hours later close to the time we start heading back to the mansion yesterday.

When he comes back he looks tired and drained. He motions for me to follow him and I quickly get out of my seat and head over to where he is. He has the chain in his hand and he clicks it onto my necklace. He doesn't say a word but gently tugs the chain forward and we leave the room briskly.

I wonder what happened. If I had enough confidence I would ask him but it doesn't look like he's in the mood for someone asking questions. So I stay silent and keep my head down as we walked back to the mansion. He hasn't said a word this whole journey, not even to tell me to look down although I was already looking down.

He takes me to our room and unchains me, "I have some stuff to do you're free to do whatever you want for the next couple hours." He briskly walks off without listening to any of my responses that are on the tip of my tongue.

I decided that I've seen this room a lot in the last couple days and I want to see Heather or any other soul. I want interaction with someone else. I head out of the room and go down the many hallways. I notice that a room I didn't think would be open is open, just a crack like someone forgot to shut the door properly.

It's the Eating Room I realize. Apparently no one can see inside this room and if they do it's when their time is up and they are to be eaten. I don't know why but the idea of having anyone even Semja take a bite or eat apart of me makes me want to gag.

I'm deliberating in my head whether or not I should take a peek or not. My curiosity wins the better of me, I don't know why I have a curious nature. I slowly and quietly as I possibly can, I walk to the door it's not hard to be quiet since I'm dead and very light because of it.

The door is open just a tiny sliver of a crack and I pierce through it. I have to get my eye very close to the crack to see what it is there, I see just a single chair. With Michael in it. I hear some rummaging in the room but I can't see where it's coming from I watch Michael as his eyes follow the noise.

Then after couple seconds of watching Michael watch whoever is in there I see Semja. He goes behind Michael and takes his scissors and cuts off the butler uniform that he is wearing. For a really weird guy he's oddly silent and he looks very scared the wall behind him looks to be extremely soundproof.

After the pieces of his uniform fall to the floor I see Semja go back to where he was before him put the scissors away I'm assuming. He goes back and takes a chair from the other side of the room which is out of my vision and put it beside Michael. Michael doesn't say a word and just stares at Semja.

He reaches out his hand for Michael and Michael hesitantly puts his hand in Semjas. He gives Michael a sheepish look and then bites down on his hand. Michael lets out ear piercing scream and the sound of his fingers breaking and his tendon snapping apart is awful and horrific crunching grinding sound.

He pulls away but keeps Michael's hand in his and I can see where his two fingers were there's now a blue essence. Maybe that is the soul, going throughout the whole body underneath the skin and bone and muscle the soul.

He takes another bite and crunches off the other two fingers and I see the blue essence again. It's such a beautiful blue it looks pure and illuminant blue. Michael scream bounces off the walls of the whole hall and I shudder at the agony I can hear in his scream.

Semja takes another bite and this time it's the palm of the hand going clean through and I see that the blue essence is an exact replica of the body. It almost looks like electricity. Blue electricity that's constantly moving and skidding in its confined area but now that I see more, I see that even though the essences blue, pure and beautiful.

There's bit of red to it, like little spikes, a dark and menacing looking red. Semja takes a larger bite and there's more red spikes going through his essence now, is this the sin inside the soul? I'm surprised that blood isn't coming out but maybe that's because we're dead.

I rip my eyes away from his majestic and terrifying essence and look at Semjas face, it's terrifying. His eyes look almost sad but his facial expression is pulled up into a snarl like an animal ready to pounce on his prey and devour it whole.

The blood is thick, gooey, and dark on his lips and trickling in a slow thick line down his chin. It looks exactly like the sauce I put his meat in. I almost gagged that very instant. So the body does bleed but since we're gone it has homogenized becomes thick and gooey and dark.

I'm so close to throwing up even though I haven't eaten it in a long time that I stumble and hit the wall a little it's such a quiet sound but I don't think they heard me but I do see Michael's eyes flicked the door a little. But he is so caught up with him being eaten that he doesn't notice that the doors open a little he quickly goes back to look at his master and continues his deafening screams.


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