Harry and Innapropriatism (a sort-of part 2 to Pussy Cat)

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W-why can't you Lou?! Why did you say that?! *nervous* *mumbling* umm.. I've only been over one, but whatever floats your boat I guess...

Well, it doesn't float my boat to spank you, but I'm just seeing what you're most comfortable with. Stand in front of me, I'll get everything down, and then over one knee, that makes it more comfortable I'm sure. I'm sorry I couldn't lessen it, it's just... I just can't Hazza, I'm sorry. *remorseful*

W-why not Lou?! *stays put* *looks at mum* *pitiful* Mummy... Not bare, please!!

C'mon Harry, up. *gently stands you up* There, see? Now just... *fumbles with pants buttons* *slides down pants* Okay? I'm just going to... *glides over one knee, but doesn't lock down* And uh.. *slides down boxers gently* *locks down legs* Okay Harry? I want a verbal answer please.

*blushes furiously* NO! *crying again*d-don't!

*rubbing back slowly* Hey, hey! You're okay, Hazza you're just fine. I promise, I'll only focus on getting this done quickly and efficiently, okay? I promise I'll only be spanking you, and barely even be seeing your bum, okay?

Not seeing it?! You're like hitting it and- and aiming, of course you're seeing it! *groans* f-fine

Yeah, I don't want to hit anywhere else and seriously hurt you. Alright Hazza, here we go. Starting off with 50, just my hand. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Okay, 15 out of the way, you okay? Need a quick couple seconds?

*jumps in surprise* *yelps* *shakes head*

Okay, I'll just keep goin' then. *raises hand up high* SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Okay Hazza, you're doing so good buddy. That's all with my hand, it's all over from my hand. You're doing so good. *praising*

*starts crying again* O-ow! *breathing heavily* OW! ... OWIE LOU! ... Ouch! *throws hand back* s-stop!! Lou bear!!

*moves hand* Harry, you can't do that, you know you can't darling. *rubs bottom gently* I can do it for you if that's what you need. *reaches for brush* *sets brush by side* Don't worry love, I'm not starting yet, okay?

*calms down a bit* *nods head* *keeps crying* b-but s-s-sixty! *starts sobbing* B-but it already h-hurts!

I know I know... *comforting* But those fifty were quick, right? These will be over quickly, and I'm sorry that it hurts right now, but after we can do lotion, I have it back here as well, since last time, ya know? *stops rubbing* *picks up brush* You ready buddy?

*whining* *sniffling* n-nooo...

Harry, you know I can't accept that as an answer... *trailing off* *raises brush high in the air* Okay... *nervous for you* *removes hand from waist* *holds it out in front of you* Hazza, just take my hand. It'll help, just do it. It makes things a lot easier, please do.

*wipes eyes* *takes hand* thanks Lou.. Quick?

*nods head* Quick. SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT Ten, okay, we're at ten.

*starts sobbing immediately* OW! ... OUCHIE! L-Lou! T-the boys w-will hear! S-stop!! *trying to suppress cries*

Shush Hazza, you'll be fine. Ten more, right quick. SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT Okay, we're at twenty, you're doing good hon.

Spanking One Direction: SCRIPT *ON HOLD*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang