Louis and Sass

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I decide to get a little bit sassy with you, and you aren't happy being sassed, seeing as you are THE sass master.

*In the middle of a ping pong game*

Excuse me would you like to repeat that missy *raising an eyebrow* you know joking around is okay, but you're getting a little sassy for my liking... *sets ping pong paddle down*

Oh yeah, sureeeeeeee I'll repeat it! I said that you can't ever beat me in ping pong cause you ain't got the skills for ping or pong and you can't use a paddle right! *pushes hip out*

*chuckles* you'd be surprised what I can do with a paddle kiddo. And no skills? Then why have a beaten you the last four games? Now cool it with the attitude, I'm the sass masta here! *joking but serious*

Oh sure, I'd be surprised what you can do with a paddle... kinky weirdo *muttering* You haven't beaten me, I let you win!

Excuse me?! Well now that was just plain rude. I don't want to hear anything like that, or regarding sex for that matter, come out of your mouth again! I mean it (Y/N), you're pushing it. Now apologize.

Regarding sex? How come last time you were here, I heard you and El getting it on? *groaning* It was so... *moaning* HOT. But disgusting. *thrusts hips in air* If I shouldn't talk about *intentionally loud* SEX then why do I have to hear it?

*flushes* (Y/N)! Stop it right now with this attitude. I know you don't think I'll do anything,because I haven't before, but I will! You're being extremely disrespectful and if you keep it up I'll- I'll...

You'll beat me in another game of ping pong? Ooooo, scary *shudders intentionally overdramatically*

Well, yes, but I'll also... *looks around room* *looks down at paddle in hand* *smirks* I'll also spank you if you don't show me some respect. *chuckles* mhm that ought to fix your little attitude

Yeah, *unbelieving* And I'm sure Eleanor will spank you the next time she's over. *rolls eyes*

*clears throat* one more comment young lady! one more freaking comment and I will show you JUST what I can do with one of these paddles. *growing angry*

*smirks* *sassy* Comment.

*calm* alright. You asked for it. Which, by the way, is exactly what you'll be doing with this spanking. That should humble you a bit. Now to stand in that corner *points to corner in front of couch in basement*

Ugh, I can't believe you. Asking for what? The spanky thing or whatever? How about no. And corner? Louis, I'm 15, not 5! Come along now, be reasonable!

*raises an eyebrow sassily* You are going to ask me to spank you for your rude behavior. And yes, corner. If you would've acted your age, then I wouldn't be treating you like you're 5. And 'spanky thing?' Do you ever know what spanking is, (Y/N)?

I don't want to go to the corner. *unwilling* and uh... maybe not? I don't like the sound of that word... *rolling eyes* that's why I got the word wrong, duh.

Man, you're relentless with this attitude, aren't you?! (Y/N), spanking is when I pull you over my knees and smack your bum until I think you've learned you lesson. And, because of your disrespectful an inappropriate behavior, this spanking will be bare. Now get your bum in that corner!

I like my sass, it's nice to have around. And really? I'm not Eleanor. You can't touch my butt. I'm not your little sex toy *stays in same spot*

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