Old Fashioned

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15-year old Harry has been getting on his mum's nerves lately, and she finally decides to carry through on a punishment.

*standing at the bottom of the stairs* Harry, come down here please.

*groans* I was about to shower mum!

*sighs* you've got ten minutes. If you're not out by then I'll GET you out! Hear me?!

Fine, fine *annoyed* *quickly showers and gets dressed in sweets and a tee* *doesn't bother to put underwear on*

*sitting down on the couch* *keeping legs tucked under me* *waiting for you* *continuing to check watch* *messing with rings*

*thuds downstairs* you called?

I did call Harold. *stands up* *sets book down* *points to couch* sit down please.

Harold? *makes a face* *sits with an eye roll*

*starts taking rings off* you've been having a lot of behavioral issues lately that have caused me to re-assess your disciplines.

Behavioral issues? Seriously?

Yes. Like that tone of disrespect you have. *takes off final ring* so I've decided to do something about it.

Um? *watching you in confusion*

*holds out hand* c'mere, let's take a walk...

A walk? Where?

Just take a walk with me Harry. We can go outside a bit, around the block.

Um, okay? I should probably put some boxers on then...

*raises an eyebrow* alright, go ahead, go put some on. Slide on some shoes too, and if you want a jacket... take one too...

*really confused* *awkwardly walks off to do so*

*pulls on a jacket* *pulls on warm shoes* *leaning against the door*

*gets ready* *meets you there*

*holds out hand* take it, or no?

Um *not wanting to hurt your feelings* sure... *uncomfortable* *takes it*

*squeezes your hand gently* you don't have to sweetie. *trying to stay calm* *places a hand on your shoulder instead* *starts walking down the street*

*not used to this touchy-feely thing with you* *walks with you*

Do you know why I've been upset with you lately, H?

No... *bites lip*

Well, we talked about being rude, huh?

Um, yeah? *a little embarrassed at confrontation* *not so confident when we're having a civil conversation*

Yeah. There's also you putting off your school work.

My grades aren't THAT bad...

They aren't, but I don't like being lied to about doing your homework.

You're too controlling about it... It'll get done, doesn't have to be right after school...

No, it doesn't. But Hazza, I do want it done when it's due, and I do want you to tell me honestly if you've done it or not.

Okay, fine...

That's two things, can you tell me the last thing? *rounds the corner back to our house*

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