Harry and Pussy (cat)

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Harry says some things on the X Factor live show, that were fairly innapropriate. Anne is unpleased with this, and decides to make sure that Harry won't do something like that again.

*bursts into tour bus* Harold Edward Styles! *angry* What the HELL was that on the live show?! All those jokes were so inappropriate and you know that I hate it when you do things like that! Do you have ANY explanation for this or should I get right to smacking your butt in front of your best mates? *places hands on hips* *fuming*

*surprise* Woah mum, where the- wait, what?! Mum, shut up the boys are here! *eyes widen* *blushes*

*unaffected* I see that all the boys are here, and you NEVER tell me to shut up EVER unless you have a wish to have your bare butt whipped!

*laughs nervously* mum you're so weird *gives you a wide eyed- shut up look* *looks to boys* *rolls eyes* that was a joke by the way.

*gives wide eyed look back* *looks at the rest of the boys* It was not a joke, and I'm sure that you wouldn't mind if I took care of this problem right here, would you? Harold, you won't either if you know what's good for you.

Mum, you've got to be kidding me! *standing up angrily* you can't just barge into our tourbus and start humiliating me like this! I fucking hate you right now! And I'm sure the boys WOULD mind, just leave! What the hell is this even about?!

*gives angry look* Harold Edward you sit down and shut up! I can so barge in here, I gave birth to you, and in case you haven't noticed, I can punish you however I chose! The other boys will not mind, and I have already told you what this is about! That conversation you on the X Factor live show about... female parts is absolutely inappropriate! You will be punished for your actions, and it's not up for discussion.

*glaring* *muttering* oh so YOU can tell ME to shut up.. *sits down* *takes deep breath* Mum, please calm down, there's an innocent explanation, geeze don't jump to conclusions! Can we talk about this in private please?

Don't you glare at me. *stern* I'll calm down, and if there's such an innocent explanation, then I'm sure you can explain it right here. Your privacy is being stripped from you bit by bit as part of your punishment.

*grits teeth* *continues to glare* *avoiding looking at boys* We were discussing Christmas presents for his mum. He told me she likes cats. After he won I told him that he would be able to buy a lot of cats for his mum. Simple as. Happy?!

I said to stop glaring Harry! *firm* I don't think I'll calm down, because you could have said cats! What if you embarrassed that woman? What if you embarrassed other women? You're a role model! You have to be more careful about these things, and no, I'm not happy! I'm not pleased at all! *sits down* You know, I'm beginning to recall a time in the seventh grade, do you remember that?

*eyes widen even more* *blushes harder* *looks at the ground* *mumbles* no...

*smiles* Well I can just remind you, can't I? *looks over at other boys* It's actually quite a fascinating story, Harry thought that it was a good idea to skip with some of his friends and steal from a convenience store. I think I solved that problem when he got home that day, didn't I Harry? What did I do to solve your problem? *trying to embarrass further*

*mouth goes slack* *turns bright red* I don't know what the hell you're talking about.. *looks to boys with wide eyes* she's gone batty I swear

I promise you that I haven't gone batty. Well, I know what I'm talking about, so I'll just finish the sentence for you. I pulled you over my knee, and spanked your bare bottom. I'm quite sure you never skipped after that. *working to embarrass completely*

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