“Hello.” I said as I answered the call with curiosity on who was on the other line. The other person on the other line hunged up the phone quickly. Hmm,that was weird, probably a wrong number.

Lisa’s Point of View:

 “Marissa! Please turn down the stereo I have a headache dear!” I shouted up the stairs where my daughter was in her bedroom. I rubbed the temples of my head as I took a pain reliever hoping it would get rid of this headache. Marissa is my ten year old daughter and Don is her father. She was born eight years after Don and I got married. We were both happy especially Don because he wanted a child of his own, although he considers Sam as his own daughter. He has a big heart and pure soul that made me love him.

“Lisa honey, you home?” I heard Don call as he entered the house coming back from work; he works as a bank clerk at a nearby bank beside our house.

“Yes dear, in the living room.” I replied quietly because of this headache.

“Hello! Oh, you alright Lisa?” He asked with concern vivid in his voice.

“Hi, yes just a bad headache that has been bothering me since the morning.” I replied rubbing the temples of my head again. Don is a loving and caring husband and father. I met him almost two years after breaking up with my ex-husband.

He was a loving and caring as well, but he had a secret that he has hid from me when we met back in college; he was and is still in a gang. I met him when I was in my second year in college; he was also studying at the same college. We bumped into each other and it was love at first sight. Sounds cliché I know, but it is true.

We got married when we both graduated. He was so romantic and loving but he started coming home late or would be missing for couple of days. I would ask him why he was late and he would say it was nothing and walk away, oddly he wouldn’t get mad at me when I would ask him a lot of questions.

I figured out he was in a gang accidently he was on the phone early in the morning and he thought I was sleep. I heard him talk to someone about robbing a bank and breaking into another gangs place. I was so in shock that I gasped loudly and he heard me. He turned around and was in shock as well when he saw me there .I was out of words, I wanted to tell him that I was pregnant with our beautiful daughter Sammy, but I didn’t know it was a girl at the time because I was only two weeks pregnant.

He looked at me and told me that I wouldn’t understand. I started to yell and scream at him, and without noticing I told him that I was pregnant. That day he told and promised me he would quit and leave the gang for the sake of me and of course the unborn child. I thought he had left the gang and I believed him for almost 2 years. Sam was then two years old and she was already walking and talking she was a bundle of joy. Every time I think about it I cry and cry. Not because he has hurt me but he hurt our baby, our little Sam.

The day I figured out he has been lying to his daughter and I was when I dropped little Sam at a daycare since I was looking for a job because I did not want him to do all the work by himself. Although he used to bring so much money home that I never really understood from where, but he was always ‘working’ so I figured he has made the money from working at a company he told me he was hired at. Anyway, I came home that day to see two cars parked in front of the house and one of them was my ex-husband’s pickup truck.

I quickly put my car on park and ran inside and saw something never in my wildest dream would have seen, there he lay with a bullet in his arm and shoulder, and an unknown man taking out the bullet. I screamed and quickly placed my hand on my mouth. I remember him calling my name and he told me he was alright, I asked him how did that happen. He replied with sadness in his voice that he has not left the gang and one cannot leave just like that, he kept apologizing but I told him we were done because I was not going to risk our daughter’s life. He also lied to me and promised, I remember the other man looking at me and smiled friendly but I couldn’t take it anymore.

I told them both to leave and I did not want to see their faces anymore. I threatened both of them that I would call the cops if I ever saw them again; I needed to protect my baby and myself. Other gangs could hurt us and I did not want to take any risk. I never knew the other man’s name and until this day sometimes I think about it, but I could never forget his face. He tried to call and ask to see Sam but I never let him, I couldn’t be the cause of our baby getting hurt. I still cry and cry until this day I seem like an awful mother for depriving her from seeing her dad.  I know I never let my baby see her daddy but my intentions were and still are to keep her safe. My ex-husband got arrested couple years ago because his gang got caught robbing a bank and trafficking drugs. I prayed and hoped this would make him realise that what he is doing is wrong and would quit this gang.

“Lisa, why are you crying?” Don asked as he pulled me into a hug. I didn’t want to tell him the real reason.

“It’s the headache, it will go away soon, I hope.” I smiled and looked up at him. I was not fully lying because this headache is really painful.

“Alright dear, how about I make you some tea, sound good?” He asked politely as he kissed my cheek.

“That would be lovely, thank you Don.” I replied with a smile on my face.

Marcus’s Point of View:

“Dylann we are on television we are famous!” I laughed as I waited for him to come and see the screen. We ran away from prison a week ago and they just noticed. I can’t stop laughing at them.

“Wow, about time they figure out we are gone!” Dylan laughed along as he lay down on the couch and watched with amusement on how they want information from the public if they have spotted us or any information on our hide out. Ha, good luck to them they are not going to find us. But, I had many reasons to run away and one of them is her and I need to find her as soon as possible to explain everything.

“Marcus, what do you want to eat for lunch? I am so hungry make some food please!!” He begged.

“Ask your wife, she probably can make better food than Mac n cheese. Maybe some chicken and rice with a salad on the side.” I answered him as I stretched my arms and back because they are stiff from sitting down for awhile.

“Lauren, please come downstairs honey!!” He called immediately since we have been eating Mac n cheese for the past couple of days. I laughed at him and he glared at me as he waited for her so he could ask her to make some good and new food.

I just lay back down on the couch and began to look through my phone and started to search for her until I opened a profile of a person with the same name as her. My eyes widened when I saw the girl in the picture.

 © Copyright 2014 Mouna E. All Rights Reserved.


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Collide Book One:Unbelievable {Completed and Editing}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora