44: Just like this.

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The shot of the gun never came. Conan was out of breath after he aimed and shot Oda with his tranquilizer gun. He laid unconscious on the ground. Everyone was shocked, and nobody thought of moving in their places. After a second, they seemed to realize what just happen. Conan kicked the gun out of sight.

“Oda!” Hayazawa ran to his side.

“Don’t worry. He just fainted.” Conan stated as he walked near her. “You’re not resisting, are you? I already called the police.” He said to her, and Hayazawa just nodded in defeat. There are tears streaming down her face.

“I didn’t want to kill him.” She started.

“I know.” Conan answered. “It was this man who did.”

“B-but I love him so much so I decided to help him out. But believe me, he was just saving me! That man was sexually harassing me for months now!” she exclaimed as she glared at the bloodied corpse nearby. “But then, he planned to k-kill these kids. My conscience could not take that. But I’m afraid. I’m scared of him!” she confessed.

No one answered.

She sobbed, and looked at the kids. “Forgive me. Forgive us.” She pleaded.

The detective boys were not given the chance to answer because the police arrived together with Hakase. They took Oda and Hayazawa to the station, and secured the crime scene. They escorted the kids safely outside.


“Man! I almost had a heart attack!” Genta exclaimed when the police made its exit from the crime scene. “I thought we’ll be dead for sure!”

“Yeah.” Ayumi agreed. Her eyes were still red from crying.

“Come on guys, we’re leaving.” Haibara called. “Hakase’s waiting.”

The detective boys turned to see the professor talking to one of the policemen. He gave the kids an apologetic look when he saw them.

“Sorry, guys. I didn’t know you’ll be in danger.”

It was Haibara who replied nonchalantly. “No big deal, Hakase. That was expected, provided that we have the corpse-magnet here with us. I was actually wondering when will we encounter one cause it’s very unlikely that we have a normal uneventful week.”

Conan grunted when he heard her. “Oi, I’m right here. I can hear you.” He commented as he looked at Haibara accusingly.

“I don’t care, death-god.” She smirked. “Okay guys, let’s go and set up the tent somewhere safe.”


9:33 PM
Some place in the woods.

They were all sitting around the bonfire. It was a rather chilly night, but the fire helps in warming them up. They are huddled together as they chat and eat some food.

Haibara looked around. The professor was again giving some lame quiz to the kids. Funny, they say they are getting sick with his lame quizzes, but they still listen anyway. She smiled as she secretly eyed the detective with the corner of her eyes. He was obviously annoyed at Genta who was giving a stupid answer to Hakase’s quiz.

The three kids were arguing the answer with the professor when after some time, Ayumi yawned.

“Are you sleepy now, Ayumi-chan?” Mitsuhiko asked. He, too, was getting sleepy. The day was rather eventful, with the case and all.

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