6: A Spark of Hope.

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They proceeded to school silently after that. Haibara was walking in front of him.

He was about to speak to her when he caught sight of the clock tower on the way. His eyes widen.

"It's late! Come on!" he cried as he reach for her wrist, pulling her to a run. Haibara was surprised at the sudden contact.

"W-wait! Kudo-kun... "

Conan turned around to look at her.

"Yeah?" he asked, a toothy grin spread widely on his face. His hair was messy due to the run yet he looked devilishly handsome. She avoided his gaze. Haibara used all her willpower to not show a blush.

They were still running.

"We can stop now, can't we?" she asked, her voice a bit shaky.

Conan shook his head as he smiled. "No! This is fun!" he replied as he tugged her arm further.

Haibara suppressed a smile. It was nice seeing the detective this happy.

She can see the school now, and true enough they were obviously late. There was no students roaming around the grounds anymore. They proceeded to their room, still running.

Conan took deep breathes before he opened the door to their class. The teacher, who was currently discussing his lesson, was flabbergasted. Even their classmates gasped in surprise.

"What?!" Shibata-sensei unconsciously exclaimed.

"Sorry, we're late sensei." Conan stated a tad nervously. He was still catching his breath. Shibata-sensei was known for being the devil incarnate.

"Detention! Now!" he thundered not even giving the two time to explain.

Conan grunted. He was about to protest when Shibata-sensei gave them a killing glare. Conan shivered. Haibara sweatdropped.

They then proceeded to the detention room quietly.

No one noticed that they were still holding each other's hand.


Conan sighed as they went in. There was no one in the room except them.

'So we're the only ones unlucky to get caught.' he thought grimly as he scanned the room.

It was definitely one of the most boring room, Conan assumed. The room was bare, with only pinned papers on the wall, which were signed by delinquents. There were some armchairs, but most of them were broken and piled up in a corner.

Haibara scanned the room as well before she went to one of the chair in the corner, and took a seat. Conan's gaze followed her. She was reading a magazine now, her face showed a pure expression of boredom.

"Sorry... " Conan muttered.

Haibara looked at him questioningly.

He seems pretty awkward, his hand scratching the back of his neck.
"Well, we got detention. We're gonna spend several hours here."

She just shrugged her shoulders. "No worries. It doesn't matter where I go, it's still boring." She said it with such nonchalance that it bothered Conan a bit. 

He took a step towards her. Haibara felt a string of panic but she didn't show it.

"Hey... " Conan started. He seems to be having trouble forming his words. He was just a meter away from her.

"Haibara...you know, about our deal..."

She felt her chest tighten. She also doesn't have an idea on what to do with their deal.

"What? You wanted to back out?" she asked flatly. "Fine with me."

"What? NO!" There was a hint of panic in his voice. "I won't back out! It's just... " his voice trailed off again.

Haibara waited for him to continue. She can see that the detective was worried and frustrated. She sighed.

"You know what Kudo-kun, if it bothers you that much, you can just stop, you know. I'm not gonna feel bad. You've already done so much to someone like me." She whispered.

Conan's eyes widened. "No... no, it's just that I haven't got a clue yet on what to do. But I will not back out i that's what you're thinking." He took a step forward and looked at her seriously in the eye. "I'll change your mind."

Haibara couldn't help but to feel a tinge of hope spark inside her.

Will the detective really change her mind? 


A/N: Thanks for the wait! I have work now, but since you make me so happy with all the votes and comments, I updated...and now, I am drowning in paperworks! Hahahaha.. But who cares? I love ShinShi AiCon still. ❤❤

Hope you like this update, and please tell me what you think. Ciao!

with all the love,

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