30: Game

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“Hey! Conan!” Genta shouted as soon as the detective entered the event hall. The detective boys are in a circle, with some other classmates. They seem to be playing a game.

Conan and Haibara walked towards them.

“Conan-kun!” Ayumi exclaimed as she walked towards him. She held his arm and pulled him on the circle. “You too, Ai-chan!” she called as she pulled her also.

There was an empty glass bottle surrounded by them. The shrunken detective immediately felt uneasy at the sight of the bottle. He sensed it was not a good sign.

“Let’s play!” Mitsuhiko exclaimed as he laughed a bit. He seems drunk.

“I’ll pass.” Haibara replied immediately, as she attempts to turn around and leave. “It’s almost time you go home.”

“Nahh…Haibara-san. You should join. This is going to be fun.” He insisted as he blocks her from leaving.

Haibara glared at him, but he seems to ignore it for he pulled her in the circle. “Let’s play!” he repeated as the other kids cheered.

Conan sighed as he asks, “What is the game about anyway?”

“It’s truth or dare obviously, you stupid.” Haibara replied.

He glared at her. She just raised her brow, as she stared back.

‘Damn these kids. What happened about my plan to have Hai on my own?’ Conan thought as he watched the bottle spin. His eyes widened when it slowed down and stopped at him. ‘Double damn.’ He cursed.

Mitsuhiko looked jokingly at him as he smirked. ‘Oh no. Not good.’

“Conan-kun!” he called.


“Truth or dare?”

“Truth.” He answered. He does not want to do anything stupid.

“He-he.” Mitsuhiko laughed as he looked at him. “Just how old are you? I always wonder if you’re hiding your true age. You think sooooooooo mature.” He asked as he stared at him. He was obviously under the influence of alcohol.

Conan, on the other hand, stared in disbelief at his question. He saw Haibara smirked at the corner of his eyes.

“I’m seventeen, like you.” He answered casually. Many years of pretending helped him to not be obvious when lying.

“Really?” Mitsuhiko asked, as he emphasized the word. He even slurred a bit. 

“Of course. Isn’t it obvious?” he asked irritatingly to mask any trace of indifference.

“Okay! Let’s play again! You spin the bottle, Conan!”

Conan hesitatingly spin. It landed on Genta. He sighed as he asked, “Truth or dare?”

“Dare!” Genta cheerfully answered.

“Go eat a whole serving of caramel cake.” He commanded lazily. Genta willingly obliged. They waited for a minute before Genta came back with a whole cake. He was already stuffing his mouth with it. Conan cringed.

After he settled down, he gets the bottle and spin it. It landed on Haibara. Genta smirked. “Truth or dare, Haibara?”

“Dare.” Haibara answered quickly.

“Give Mitsuhiko a kiss!” he dared. Haibara’s eyes widened as well as Mitsuhiko’s. Conan, on the other hand, stared disbelievingly at Genta. He can’t believe his ears! Did Genta really say that?

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