39: Black.

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Day 6 of 10 left

Conan was puzzled by Haibara’s action today. He had woke up earlier in hope of going to school together but when he went to Hakase’s house, the professor said she was already gone. Conan somehow felt panic. He was always agitated whenever he cannot see Haibara in his line of sight. He quickly went to school, yet surprisingly, the shrunken scientist wasn’t in sight.

Where is she?’ he thought as he scan the possible places she might be in, while a feeling of panic was starting to form in his chest.

No. We still had a deal. I’ve got four more days left.’ He convinced himself. ´Maybe she went outside to buy something.’

The bell already rang, yet there were still no sign of the scientist. He was starting to really worry. He tried calling her phone but it was turned off. He asked the detective boys if they know something but they knew nothing.

Where are you?’ He was about to stand up and skip class to find her, but the teacher beat him to it. She arrived just as he was to sneak around. Everyone in the room got quiet. She was about to start the discussion when Conan raised his hand.

“Yes, Edogawa-kun?” she inquired.

“Haibara Ai-san is not around. Do you have any idea why?”

“Oh, she dropped by earlier to excuse herself. She said she had to attend to something important. She seems to be going to some gathering.”

Conan was about to ask her some more when she cut him, “Now, now, Edogawa-kun. Let’s leave Haibara-san for a moment  and focus on the class now, will you? Class is already starting. Reserve your questions later.” She said, her voice indicating finality.

Conan helplessly sighed. ‘No choice. I need to wait till the class is over.’ He mentally commented as he sit down.


Time seems to run much slower when you are waiting, they say. The detective agreed to that. It seems like forever waiting for the damn discussion to be over. It was awfully boring, and his thoughts were elsewhere. He was undoubtedly worried about the scientist.

Just as soon as the bell rang, Conan ushered outside to run after his teacher.  The three kids were not even given time to react.

“Sensei!” he called.

The teacher stopped and turned towards him. “Oh, Edogawa-kun.”

He jogged towards her. “You said you’d tell me about Haibara after class.” He stated seriously.

“There’s nothing much to tell, really.”

“Please, sensei. Even the small details will be appreciated.” He pleaded.

She sighed before she speaks again. “What is going on? Is there something to be worried about that you are not telling me, Edogawa-kun?”

“No…no.” he denied. “Just…I just need to see and tell her something important.”

“Okay.” She agreed after a moment. “She came to see me at my office very early this morning. I thought something was odd. She said she can’t attend class today because she needs to go somewhere important. I asked her where, but she did not tell me.”

“You told me you thought she’s going to some gathering. Why?”

“Because she’s wearing a dress. A black dress, to be exact…like she was going to some funeral. Wait…did something happen?” the teacher suspiciously asked.

Conan shook his head. “No, sensei. I think I know where she is. It’s alright. Thanks.” He said before he sprinted outside, not even giving the teacher a chance to reply.


5 hours earlier
Agasa Residence

The scientist was up early, like she never slept at all. Today was a special day. She sighed. She looks at the clock on the table on her bedside. It reads 4:32 AM.

Too early.’ She thought but she gets up anyway. She knows the professor was still asleep. It’s better this way. She doesn’t want him to know what today is. At least, no one should know.

She went to the kitchen and prepared some coffee. Then she proceeded to the bathroom to take a bath. After some time, she walked outside, donned in an all-black dress. She took some time to observe her appearance on the mirror.

Black. It was the color she despised because it reminds her of the organization she loathed the most. She closed her eyes as she felt haunting memories that are starting to rush in her head. Gunshot. Blood. Death. It all came rushing in her.

She opened her eyes, and gasp for some air. She did not realize she had forgotten to breathe. Again, she closed her eyes, and mentally counted to ten to calm herself down.

I need to go.’ She mentally said to herself. There was an aura of sadness around her.

She pinned her auburn hair in a messy bun and took a quick glance on the mirror before she went outside silently. She needs to excuse herself to school first.


Present time…

Conan ran. It has been a long time since he ran this fast. He paused to get some air then continued again. He looks at his watch: It was 11AM already. He decided to skip school. He can’t focus on the class anyway since his mind was busy thinking about someone with auburn hair.

After several minutes of running, he arrived at his destination.

He took a deep breath before he read the giant sign on the gate: Beika Cemetery.


A/N: I had planned to update yesterday but the internet connection is just too sloooowwww 'cause I live in the middle of nowhere and the reception is just so weak. So yeah, happy reading! Share your thoughts, please. Hehehehe

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