42: Lost in the Woods.

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Day 8 of 10 left

They decided to go camping the next day. The professor was secretly planning the camp for a week now, and he just announced it to the group yesterday. They were just given one night to prepare. Haibara wanted to protest but the kids seemed to be excited and thrilled at the news. No wonder, it has been a long time since their last camp.

Early in the morning, they are ready to go. They decided to rent a bigger car since Hakase’s beetle obviously could not accommodate them all anymore. Haibara smiled. They had indeed grown up.

It took them an hour to reach their destination. They decided to scout for the best place to set their tents first. They went out of the car to loiter a bit.

“Listen guys,” the professor started. “You’re gonna go there and look for a good place to set camp, and I’m gonna wait here to guard our things. The car cannot deviate from the road. The way to the mountain is too narrow for it fit in. Call me when using your badge when you find a place. Cell reception isn’t good here. Okay?”

They nodded. Mitsuhiko, Genta and Ayumi formed one group while Conan and Haibara formed the other.

“Let’s meet here after half an hour.” Conan instructed before they split up on different ways.


Genta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko has been walking endlessly for a while now, and they are beginning to run out of breath.

“Guys, I think we’re lost.” Ayumi stated nervously.

Genta looked at her intently before he nodded and said. “Yeah. I think we are. I’m hungry. What are we going to do?” he turned to Mitsuhiko who just looked disbelievingly at him in return. They seem to be at loss of what to do.

Just then, a branched cracked, as if stepped on by someone. They sharply turned at the source of the noise.

A man and a woman, of late 20’s, are few meters away from there. They looked more surprised at the sight than the three kids.

“O-Oh…hello there, lads,” the man greeted. His voice though shows a tinge of nervousness for some unknown reason that Mitsuhiko find it suspicious.

The woman asked, “Are you lost? Nobody really comes this far in this place.”

Genta decided to answer. “Yes, I think we are lost. We are just looking for a place to camp.”

The two meaningfully looked at each other, then turned to look at them. “Listen kids, this area here is dangerous. I suggest you find another place to stay. I know just the exact place! Let us accompany you, perhaps?” the woman volunteered.

Mitsuhiko observed them for a bit. The woman has a shoulder-length hair. She was wearing a green shirt paired with faded jeans. She was wearing a cap. The man, on the other hand, was wearing a sweatshirt and also faded jeans. He also has a cap and is carrying a backpack. There was a hunting gun slung on his right shoulder. From their actions, he deduced that they were a couple. They have a matching watch on their wrists.

“Are you two from here?” Ayumi innocently asked.

“Y-yeah. We have a house nearby. I’m Oda, and this is my girlfriend Hayazawa. Do you want us to accompany you or not?” the man asked wanting to change the topic.

“Okay.” Genta agreed without thinking. He was really hungry. He approached the two, and motioned Ayumi and Miitsuhiko to follow. He wanted to find a place as quick as possible and let the professor and the girls cook some food.

“What—Wait! Genta!” Mitsuhiko whispered. The two stopped walking and turned at him. Genta and Ayumi confusingly gave him a questioning look. 

He looks at Oda, and his eyes landed on the gun that was dangerously slung on his shoulder. He can feel sweat forming on his forehead. ‘Can’t Ayumi and Genta feel that something was off with the two?’ he asked mentally.

“N-nothing…” he answered nervously as he looks at them.

The couple looked  suspiciously at him before they turned around and exclaimed, “Let’s go.”

Oh God, help us.’ Mitsuhiko silently prayed as he followed them.


At the same time…

Conan and Haibara were also searching in vain and still, they can’t find a place suitable for camp.

“Are you sure the professor planned to camp in this place? There’s nothing here.” Haibara complained. She was getting tired from walking.

“What do you expect? Something unfortunate is bound to happen in our every camp, remember?” he answered in the same manner. They were getting farther and farther from the main road. The detective checked his map. Nothing worthy. He tried to search using his glasses, but the signal was very weak. He cussed. They are getting nowhere.

The scientist noticed his unease. “Are we lost?” she asked.

“No! Of course not!” Conan answered quickly, his voice obviously defensive.

Haibara raised a brow. “Really, huh?”

“Of course!” he answered in mock confidence.

The scientist smirked. Conan noticed her reaction. “Don’t you believe me, woman?” he hissed in exasperation.

Haibara just shrugged which annoys the detective even more. He glared at her. He was about to retort when he caught a glimpse of a hole just a meter away.

“Wait…is that a cave?” he asked, thinking out loud.

Haibara followed his line of sight. It was indeed an entrance to a cave. The detective approached.

“Hey! Kudo-kun! What are you doing?” she asked.

“Wait…I think I heard something. I’m just gonna go in and observe for a bit.” He answered and without waiting for a reply, he trotted off.

“What? Are you crazy?” Haibara instinctively followed. “It could be dangerous in there, stupid.”

But the detective seems to not hear her. He switched his wrist watch and turned its light on.

The cave was practically dark and empty from their distance. It was somewhat creepy.

Haibara switched on the light on her wristwatch too. She gasped when she saw it.

“Is that a dead body over there?”


A/N: Any thoughts? :)

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