29: Dance with me.

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“Do you wanna dance?” Conan finally found the courage to ask her.

The scientist looked incredulously at him, like she did not believe what she had just heard.

“What?” Conan asked her.

“Nothing. Just didn’t believe you really said that to me.” She said nonchalantly.

The detective raised an eyebrow. “What’s so unbelieving about it? Come on, dance with me.” He insisted as he showed his trademark smile. He stood up, and lifted his hands in front of her.

Haibara fought down a blush. “Really, Sherlock? You can barely hear the music here.”

“I don’t care. I want to dance with you right here. Just the two of us.” He responded stubbornly as he took her hand and pull her up. Haibara almost lost her balance. She glared at the detective which he only responded with a grin.

They are standing in front of each other now, with only a small distance between them. Haibara forced herself to look casual even though her heart’s hammering loudly on her chest. She was afraid the shrunken detective may hear its loud beating.

The detective guided her hands and placed it on his shoulders. She shuddered as he felt his hands circle around her waist, closing the gap between them. He was staring at her with his intense blue eyes. It seems like it might pierce a hole on her soul if this continues.

“Hey…” she heard the detective called.

She hummed in reply. “Hmmm?”

"..." The detective seems hesitant in saying whatever he was supposed to say. He tilts his head to the side and just looks at her.

Haibara's brows furrowed. "What?"

"Sorry..." he whispered, as he pulled her closer. They are still dancing in the beat. Haibara almost step on his foot because of surprise.

"What for?" she questioned. She can feel butterflies in her stomach.

"I was being a jerk the last time we talked."

Haibara resisted a chuckle. "Right." she agreed. She smirked. "So what's into you today? You rarely apologize." she commented, half-jokingly.

Conan seems to take it seriously though. "Hey! I can say sorry if I know it's my fault, y'know."

This time, the scientist chuckled. It was nice seeing the shrunken detective looking frustrated. "Yeah, whatever you say, detective."

Conan didn't answer but he pulled her closer again. Haibara gasped. They were like just inches away. She can smell him. He smelled really nice. Conan stared at her...he showed her his smile. Haibara felt her heart tumbled in her chest. It was beating so loudly she feared he may hear it.

"Hey..." she called as she attempted to put some distance between them, but the detective's grip on her waist was strong. "K-Kudo-kun..."

"Yeah?" the detective answered, as he continues to look at her. He was getting distracted again, like her prescence is intoxicating him. He just wanted them to stay as close as possible. Gods, he wanted to kiss her.

"Too close." Haibara whispered, and Conan seems to realize that he had rather pulled the scientist too close to his liking. His ears turned beet red as he loosened his hold. Haibara took a step back to create some distance, but her hands are still on the detective's neck. Conan still didn't fully release her.

They stared in awkward silence for several seconds before Conan spoke again. "Hai?" he called.

Haibara didn't answer, but only looked at him. He continued. "I have a thought."

"Oh no." she teased. Their bodies are still gliding. The music on the background had changed into something more mellow, more romantic.

Conan raised a brow. "You haven't even heard it yet."

She shrugged her shoulders. "Well, coming from you, that thought may be highly foolish."

Conan grunted. There she go again with her biting remarks. He smirked. "Hey!No way...I think this one is foolproof."

"Okay. Let's hear it."

Conan showed her a grin first before he blurted, "Let's get out of here."

Haibara stared at him dumbfoundedly. Conan chuckled at her expression.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Conan commented with a smirk.

It took Haibara a second to retort. "That would be better. Seriously, Kudo-kun?"

They stopped dancing. Conan guided her to sit on a bench nearby. "This ball is getting a toll on me. Besides, you're getting bored too right?" he asked. "Come on, let's leave this party behind." he pleaded.

"What about the kids?" she asked.

Conan glanced at his watch. It was half past midnight. "It's almost time they go home. Let's get them home first then." He said as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her up.

They went back to the event hall, with Conan still holding her hand.


A/N: Honestly, I do not know how this story will turn out. Hahahaha. I need advices. Pretty please. 😂😂😂
This is getting out of hand.

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