17: Worry

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Day 12

Weekends passed without them talking. A day after their confrontation, Conan went back to his house. The professor confusingly pestered him of going back because of his condition but he insisted. He was still feeling annoyed at what happened. But he was even more annoyed at himself because he can't help but still feel guilty at his outburst. He wanted to talk to Haibara and apologize, but he just feels embarrassed at how he overreacted that time. He doesn't know when to start.

Now it was Monday, and he will go to school again. He was not up for it really but considering the many days he had missed because of hospitalization, he needs to go. Besides, he wanted to go out of his house too.

'It's too early for a snow today.' He thought as he pulled his jacket for more warmth.

It was freezing cold today. Right, winter just arrived.

He arrived just in time for class to start. He looked his surroundings before taking a seat. Ayumi, Genta, Mitsuhiko and Haibara was already on their seats. Genta was about to stand up and head to him when the teacher barge in, signaling the class to start. He sighed and proceeded to his seat.

He shot an inconspicuous glance at the scientist first before focusing in front.

'Is she still gonna ignore me?'

Time passed by slowly as the class engaged in painfully boring discussion. Conan was getting restless.

The loud ringing of the bell, although piercing, sounded music to Conan's ears. He stood up as soon as he heard the bell ring, and headed toward the group but Haibara was faster. She was already out of sight by the time he approached.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance. He was planning on talking to her again.

'Fine. If she doesn't want to, then I'll let it be. That infuriating woman.'

"Wahhh!!!! Good thing the school cancelled class early today! Thanks for the snow! Hahahaha!" Genta exclaimed as they pack their things up.

"It seems like there'll be a snowstorm coming. We should hurry." Mitsuhiko added.

"Oh? Where's Haibara?" Genta asked Ayumi as they walked towards the exit.

Conan secretly waited for the reply.

"She said she has something important to do, so she left earlier as soon as the bell rang. But I'm worried about her." Ayumi replied worriedly.

"Why Ayumi-chan? Did something happen?" Mitsuhiko asked curiously.

"Ai-chan...She said that she was fine but she looked sick earlier. It seems like she caught a cold, and the snow is becoming stronger. I volunteered to get some medicine but she refused, she said she'll get it on her own. But I'm still worried."

'Damn it. Ayumi's right. The snow seems to be stronger. And now she's out sick in the cold? That careless woman.'

"Ugh. Haven't I told myself that I'll stop caring for that hardheaded woman?' countered another voice in his mind.

They were walking slowly now, as the snow seems to slow them down. It was getting really freezy that they had decided to drop in a nearby café to have some hot drink.

"I'm really worried about Ai-chan, Conan-kun." Ayumi stated as she stared outside. The snow was starting to pile up in the road. "Do you think she's already home?"

Conan looked at his watch first before answering "Yeah, I bet she's home. It has been half an hour already." Deep inside though, he was getting worried. 'Did she safely arrive home?'

Several minutes passed but Conan was still restless. He was glancing at his watch from time to time. He was tempted to call Hakase to ask for the shrunken scientist.

'Ugh. I can't take this anymore.' He thought as he stood up and pick up his jacket.

"Conan-kun?" Ayumi asked as the detective boys stared confusingly at him.

"Sorry guys. I have something to do." He said before running towards the door.

The detective boys were left at the café speechless.


A/N: My brain won't stop thinking. Can it explode from too much  stress and worries? I'm writing to escape reality. :(

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