33: Rain

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It was raining when Haibara woke up the next day. She smiled unknowingly. There was always something about the rain that comforts her. Maybe it’s because of the serenity it brings. She slowly gets up and headed towards the kitchen.

'It’s a great time to have some coffee.'

It did not even surprise her anymore that the shrunken detective was at the living room, happily chatting with the professor.

“Haibara!” Conan called when he caught sight of her. She just nodded as a response before she proceeded to the kitchen to make some coffee. After a while, she went back to them. The professor was making him try a new innovation of his glasses. Somehow, it feels just right. With them, sitting peacefully over a cup of coffee.

“It’s so early in the morning, yet here you are again, detective. Don’t you have anything to do?” she asked.

“Nahhh…” Conan shakes his head, as he adjusted his glasses. “Hakase, this is great!” he cried as he explored its new features.

The professor proudly smirked. “I know, right? I’ve modified it so you can search information through your glasses. It’s wifi-enabled, and now I’ve connected it to a database about information of criminals, and even famous people!”

“This is really great! Thanks Hakase!” Conan cried as he grinned at the professor.

She secretly smiled. This kind of things always excite the detective.

“Got any plans for today, Hai?” his voice disrupted her thoughts.

“Nothing.” She answered as she sips from her coffee.

“Great! Let’s hang out somewhere!” he responded.

She sighed before she faced him. “I don’t think you get the point, Sherlock. When I answered ‘nothing’, that was exactly my plan. I plan to do absolutely nothing. So no, we are not going anywhere.”

Conan raised a brow, as if studying her face. It took several seconds that Haibara started feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

“What?” she snapped.

Conan gave a lopsided smile before he shook his head. “Nothing.”

Haibara was left puzzled by his actions.


After half an hour, the rain stopped. As if on cue, Conan stood up and headed for the door.

“I’m going out!” he said. “Hakase, do you need something? I’m going to drop by the store at the corner. ” he asked the professor while he was wearing his shoes.

“Nothing, as of the moment.” The professor replied, but after a second he continued, “But you can buy milk on the way. There was a little left on the pantry.”

He headed for the door but before he turned the knob, he looked back. “What about you Haibara? Anything you want?”

“Nothing.” she replied as she continued to scan the pages on the magazine she was holding.

He nodded. “Okay. See you later.”

He was already outside when he realized he had forgotten an umbrella. He looked up. ‘Maybe the rain will not pour anymore until I go back. I need to hurry.’


Almost fifteen minutes had passed when it started raining again. It started with a drizzle, then ended up with a strong downpour. Conan cussed. He wanted to go back to the store and take shelter but he had already walked a fair amount of distance. It was a waste to go back. Besides, he was already soaked.

Damn. I should have bought an umbrella earlier.’ He cursed again as he observed the sky. There was no sign that it will stop in the next few minutes. He was beginning to feel cold from the rain. He ran. A few kilometers more and he’ll be home.


The rain seems to become stronger every passing minute. Try as she might not, Haibara was worried about the detective. If what the professor said earlier was right, he did not bring any umbrella when he went outside earlier. She glanced at the clock. He should be done buying stuffs by now. Maybe he was on his way right now. And maybe he bought an umbrella on the way back. She tried to console herself.

That idiot’. She thought in her mind as she sits restlessly on the sofa. She can hear the rain becoming stronger again. She sighed before she grabs a coat and two umbrellas and headed outside.


Conan was getting delirious from the cold. He can feel his whole body trembling. He ran as fast as he could, but it seems like his legs are starting to fail him. He stopped and leaned on the wall to catch his breath.

Just a bit more.’ He encouraged himself to go on, but his knees buckled. He slids down and sat for a moment. His vision is starting to get a bit blurry, maybe from the rain. He suddenly felt a strong urge to close his eyes and sleep. He was almost engulfed in the darkness when he caught sight of a figure running towards him.

“Kudo-kun?! Hey, Kudo-kun!” The voice resembled Haibara’s.

The rain must be causing me hallucinations. Damn. I wanted to see her.’ He thought as he closed his eyes.

“Kudo-kun! You idiot! Wake up!” The voice called again.

Conan felt no more rain falling on his face. He wanted to open his eyes, but it seems like a difficult task. He felt something slap his cheek weakly as if to keep him awake. “Idiot, wake up. Don’t you dare pass out here.” He heard her call. He smiled unknowingly. He can sense worry in her voice.

“H-Haibara…” he whispered as he extends his hand to hold her. ‘She’s really here?’ he thought he was imagining things.

“Hey, you idiot. Get up this instant. I can’t carry you home if you faint.”

This woman.’ He tried to get up, and succeeded with difficulty. He leaned on Haibara for support.

“Sorry.” he whispered to her ear before they attempted to walk. They were very close to each other that Haibara felt hot despite the cold from the rain, especially when Conan leaned down to whisper to her ear. She felt her stomach churn from the very close gap between them. In fact, she felt Conan’s lips actually grazed her ear when he whispered, which sent shivers down her spine. The sensation was intoxicating. She tried her best to focus on the task at hand. She needs to get him home.


A/N: Almost a month late, I know. I apologize. I was stuck, and I wanted to enjoy my vacation (read: spend the time painting, reading and watching series), and I was waiting for some kind of motivation.

Reason number two is still on deck, and honestly though, my mind is a bit fuzzy. Hahahahaha! Come what may, I guess? It usually works that way. Ciao!

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