31: Ten Reasons Why

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Day 1 of 10 left

It was few days after the ball. Conan and Haibara rarely had the chance to talk after that. Perhaps, it was due to the fact that she was avoiding him. After what Conan said to her at the swing, dozen butterflies seem to fly in her stomach, she failed to put up a wise reply, so she just stood there while having a staring contest with the detective. Now, because of the awkwardness that she feels every time she saw the detective, she was doing her best not to encounter him. And for the past few days, she had succeeded.

She just hopes she can keep it up.


Agasa’s Residence
5 AM

Haibara woke up even before her alarm clock rang. She had been consistently waking up too early in the morning to prepare for school, because she does not want any chance to see Conan, alone.

These past days, every time she sees Conan, her heart seems to constrict as it beats doubled or even tripled. She knew she has feelings for him, but this is different. Conan’s action towards her seems different for some reason, and it’s giving her unfamiliar feelings that she could only presume as hope. No, she does not want to. She needs to disappear for everything to become normal.
To wash up all her thoughts, she decided to get up and head to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. It was still dark, and Haibara knows the professor was still snoring in his sleep. She did not bother to turn on the lights for she is used in moving in the dark. But just as she passed on the living room, she felt herself stop.

Is she seeing things right? Is it really Conan who was soundly sleeping on the sofa? What is he doing here?

Unknowingly, Haibara quietly walks up to him. She stopped when she was a mere distance apart. ‘It’s really him.’ She said mentally as she stared at his sleeping façade. He looks tired, yet still surprisingly handsome.

“Kudo-kun…” she whispered unknowingly.

She knelt in front of him to observe him better. Haibara felt the sudden urge to carress his face, but thankfully stopped herself in time.Her hand was already dangling on his face, and just as she was about to retreat, the detective suddenly opened his eyes, and caught her hand. It was so sudden, Haibara failed to react.

“Hai…” Conan called as he gets up. His hand was still gripping hers like he was afraid she will run away. He was sitting on the sofa now and Haibara was still on her knees flabbergasted.

It took Conan few seconds to grasp the situation. His lips curled upwards in a smile. Haibara, on the other hand, was panicking inside, but she successfully concealed it with her poker face.

“What are you doing?” he asked as he squeezed her hand.

Haibara felt conscious and automatically pulled her hand away, but the detective’s grip on her was strong.

“I should be the one asking you that. What are you doing here, Sherlock?” she asked indifferently to mask her nervousness.

Conan just shrugged as an answer.

“It’s still early. Did you sleep here?” she asked again.

Again, Conan just shrugged. Haibara felt annoyed at his reply.

She let out a sigh, before she attempted to release from his hold again. This time, Conan released her. She sighed in relief as she stood up. She was about to walk away when Conan speak.

“You’re avoiding me.” It’s not a question. It was a statement.

She tried to feign ignorance. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re avoiding me.” He repeated, this time staring intently into her eyes. Haibara had trouble meeting his eyes, but she needs to.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” She whispered as she turned her back on him. She suddenly felt a lump on her throat and it was getting harder to breathe.

“Oh yes, you do.” Conan insisted. “I don’t get it. Why are you avoiding me? I thought we were okay, Hai.” He replied, and Haibara recognized a feeling of sadness in his voice. She felt guilty all of a sudden.

Yes, Kudo-kun. I also think we are okay. In fact, more than okay. And that scares me.’ She answered in her mind.

“What’s wrong, Hai? Did I do something wrong?” he asked again.

Still, silence. Haibara doesn’t know how to reply. She was scared. She was scared of all the unfamiliar feelings that the detective had make her feel.

When she didn’t reply, Conan spoke again.

“I’ve thought of something.” He said.

She turned around to face him. She raised a brow as if asking what is it.

Conan seems to contemplate a bit before he replied, “Ten days left, right?”

At first, Haibara did not get it. Then after some time, she did. “Our deal.” She whispered. Conan nodded.

“I only have ten days to change your mind.” He stated.

She nodded. Before she can even think, Conan was already in front of her. His face was obviously conflicted and sad.

“But how can I change your mind if you’re avoiding me, Hai?” he asked sadly. “Don’t push me away, please.”


“Just ten days, Hai. Only ten days. Bear with me, please?” he pleaded. “Within these days, I’ll make sure to give you a reason. In fact, I’ll try to give you a reason for each day. I’ll give you ten reasons to stay.”

Haibara just stared at him. The detective was so serious. She doesn’t know how to answer him, so she just nodded.

Conan smiled. “Okay. Let the real deal start right now.” He said as he held her hand and lead her towards the kitchen.

Right, she was supposedly going to get a coffee.


A/N: And I updated...Hahaha. I had planned to update much later, but I can't help it.The real deal will start right now.

Uhh..and now I want your opinions. Can you please give me your own ten reasons why you think Haibara should stay? Who knows? I might use one of those. Hehehe. Thanks in advance! And I love you for reading! Ciao! ♥♥♥ :)

With all the love,

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