10: Reckless

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They were walking side by side now to the exit now. No one wanted to talk, and the silence was becoming uncomfortable.  When suddenly a shrill cry pierced the silence. 
They look at where the sound came from, then look at each other. Without any exchange of words, as if they had understood a silent message, they run towards the place where the cry came from.

'Must be a case... again.' Haibara thought as she run alongside the detective.

What's happening when they arrived took them by surprise. It was a case, yes. A hostage-robbery case, to be exact. The criminal, who was a man in his late 30s, was like a loose animal that has gone wild. There was a bloodlust feeling emanating from him. Haibara shivered. It was like a man eaten by evil, she was reminded of the black organization, especially Gin. She look at her side to see the detective. She wanted to make sure he was still safe, and he was not gonna do something reckless.  There were several bystanders in the area. They approached one, and asked the situation. 

"What is happening?" Conan inquired. 

"That man suddenly had gone berserk, dude." The man answered. "He was with the hostage girl earlier, when they had an argument. They have exchange some curse words, then all of a sudden he pulled out a knife and threatened the girl. Then this happened. I guess he was a guy she met online."

Conan nodded. "Have you called the police yet?"

The man shakes his head. "Not yet dude. No one dared to do so after the man shouted. He threatened that he will slit the girl's throat should he saw some police. I think he was high on drugs."

Conan again surveyed the area. The man indeed looked high and wasted. His eyes were bloodshot, and his hands were trembling slightly. He can also sense that he was agitated, like he was afraid of something. But why? 

He looked at Haibara. She was silent, as expected, but there was a look of fright evident in her eyes. Well, at least for him.

He took an attempt to step forward, towards the man. Haibara stopped him.

"Don't tell me you are going near that man." she stated seriously. 

Conan didn't look fazed. "Of course. What else is there to do?"

"It's dangerous!" she shouted. 

"I know, but what then should we do? As if I can let that man alone!"

Her grip on his arm tightened. "Don't go, Kudo-kun. You're endangering your life." she seriously stated as she look in his eyes. 

The detective stared at her for a moment. Nobody dared to lose in the staring contest. After a moment, Conan sighed.  "Haibara."

She glared at him.

"I can do this. Trust me." he said as pulled his arm from her grasp.

She reluctantly let go.

"Kudo-kun..." she whispered. "Let me talk to the guy then."

Conan sharply looked at her. "No way!" he protested. 

She raised a brow. "Why not? I can deal with him better."

"As if I can let you be exposed to danger!" he glared at her.

"Kudo-kun, let's be realistic. I can deal with him better. I was exposed to many kinds of danger already, so this should just be nothing."

"No. With his mental state right now, you'll be hurt. You could die, Haibara."

As if not hearing him, she took a step forward. Conan's eyes widened as he automatically pulled her close. 

"Stop!" he exclaimed. Haibara, on the other hand, look at him in surprise.

He looked so angry. "Didn't you hear me?! You are not going to go near that man. It's dangerous!"

"So?" she whispered as she look down.

Conan stared disbelievingly at her. She's throwing her life away, and he did not like it.

"Stop it." he seriously stated. 

"Stop what?"

"That attitude of yours! Stop being so pessimist, reckless and stubborn."

"I am not. I'm just being realistic. It's better if I'll be the one who will be hurt. At least no one's gonna cry for me. And please Kudo-kun, you're the stubborn and reckless one here."

He glared at her as he shook her shoulder, as if waking her up. "What the hell are you saying?! Who says no one cares for you?! I'm here, damn it."

She stared at him in shock. His words... were so full of emotions. 

'Kudo cares... for me?' she asked mentally. She was at loss for words for a moment.

"Didn't I say that I will protect you? So please Haibara, value your life. I don't want to lose you." he said with such conviction, she felt a tad warmth on her face. She was blushing she knew.

"Let me handle this."

He step forward.

"Hey mister." He modulated his voice to sound approaching. "Calm down. Release the woman, please." He stated, as he continue to took few steps forward. 

The man glared at him, not wanting any interference. "STOP! Don't you dare come near me!" he shouted.

Conan took another cautious step. Haibara standing guard behind him.

The man seems too agitated. He pointed the knife at them while holding tightly his victim. The victim hitched her breath. Conan and Haibara stopped in their tracks. They looked at each other.

But by the second they look away from the man, he suddenly released his hostage then plunged swiftly at them. The knife ready to pierce the life out of the shrunken detective in front.

"KUDO-KUN!" Haibara exclaimed as time seems to slow down before her eyes.


A/N: I hope I built the suspense just right. What can you say?

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