40: Sister.

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Still day 6 of 10 left

Haibara was standing on her sister’s grave when he found her. He observed her for a bit.

She was holding a bouquet of flowers with her right hand. Her back is facing him, so he did not have the chance to look at her face. Though he can feel her melancholy even from a distance.

He decided to make her aware of her presence, by faking a cough. The scientist sharply turned to see him standing a meter away. Her eyes widened for a second before it turned to slits indicating her irritation.

“What are you doing here?” she hissed. Oh gods, she does not want to see him right now. Not with her current vulnerable and helpless state.

“You didn’t go to school, so I looked for you. I knew I’d find you here.”

“And again, you use that detective brain of yours to snoop around me? Great work, Sherlock!” she stated with sarcasm. She was hoping she could drive him off with her cold demeanor.

“I was just…” Conan’s voice trailed off. He knew he was at fault. The scientist clearly wanted to be alone. She was upset.

“Just what? On a stroll? Casually walking and you wind up in a fcking cemetery? Goodness, Kudo-kun…why the hell are you here?” she scoffed as she continued to glare at him.

She was not really angry at the detective. She just doesn’t want him to see her in her most vulnerable state.

“Look…sorry, okay? I just don’t want to leave you alone at times like this.” He answered to calm her down.

“Because I’m a suicidal sociopath? Oh yes, thank you very much, but your concern is unsolicited.” Her voice was that of a venom that was breaking the detective’s heart. He just wanted to make her feel better. But he guessed he just made the situation worse.

“I’m fine.” She said.

“You don’t look fine.” He countered.

“Then stop looking.” She snapped. And again, the scientist wins.

“Haibara…” He pleaded as he strides towards her.

She looked intently at him as he neared. She bit her lower lip to keep herself from crying. He stopped when he was just a step from her. He answered her stare, and they stared for a moment before she felt a tear escaped her eye. She instinctively wiped it off. Conan looked uncomfortable.

“Leave me alone please.” She whispered as she diverted her gaze. She can’t afford to show her crying face right now.


“Please, Kudo-kun. I want to be alone.” She repeated rather desperately. She looked down and turned her back to her. She closed her eyes and inhaled. She cannot meet him in the eye.

A few seconds passed and nothing happened, so she assumed that he had granted her request. She had assumed he had leave and embarrassing at it may seem, she was kinda disappointed. But the feeling was quickly gone when she felt arms around her, embracing her from the back.

She yelped, and even jump a little in shock. She felt his arms tightening his hold as he rested his chin at the crook of her shoulder. She inhaled sharply at the contact. She can feel him breathe on her neck. It’s giving shivers down her spine.

“K-Kudo-kun, just w-what…” ‘Why doesn’t the detective just leave her alone like she requested?’

“Shhh…” the detective silenced her. “Can we…can we just stay like this for a while, Hai?” he asked as he snuggled his face closer to her. He was literally breathing on her face when he speaks. Haibara held her breathe as she felt her heartbeat escalated. She was afraid the detective might hear it. She knows she was blushing right now, and she was just glad that he cannot see her face at the moment.

After a minute, the detective spoke, but still did not let go. “I don’t want to leave you alone. Especially when you’re like this. Don’t be hard on yourself, Hai. You are not a hero. You’ve been acting strong this whole time, and I know that you are tired. It’s okay to cry sometimes, Hai. You need someone too.”

Haibara stayed silent. Conan waited. But when a minute passed, and she was still quiet, he whispered. “Cry, damn it.”

And just that, she started crying. It was like what he said was a trigger to her tear glands. Maybe because it’s the words that she wanted to hear for so long. Its true, she knew she was strong, but at the same time she isn’t. She just acts like it. Fake it till you make it, right? But now that the detective told her it’s alright, she knew she just had enough. It was getting a burden on her chest.

“Shhh…” he whispered in her ear. “It’s alright. I’m here. Everything’s gonna be okay.” He said gently. If possible, her crying just intensified. She can feel the tears falling on her face. She can taste the salty liquid on her mouth. She choked back a sob, as she tried to stop herself from crying. But weirdly though, she cannot seem to stop. And deep inside, she knew it was okay because Conan told her. She felt him turned her around as he gently crashed her head to his chest. Now he was properly embracing her, and honestly, it was alright with her. She wanted to stop because she knew he might possibly tease her about this when he gets the chance. But who cares? She wanted to throw her thoughts for once.

They stayed like that until she calmed herself down. Now, they were sitting quietly in front of her sister’s grave. Nobody wanted to initiate the conversation, but it was fine. The silence was comforting.

“The flowers are nice. I bet your sister loves it.” He commented afterwards just to start some conversation.

Haibara smiled. It was nice to note that the detective decided not to mention her crying her heart out earlier. “Yeah. She likes roses…or anything that I gave her. But it’s the other way around. She was always the one giving me things. I rarely give her anything.” She whispered, and continued, “It’s her birthday today, and all I’ve given her is a bouquet of roses."

Conan smiled faintly. “She knew you love her. I guess that all that matters.”

“I miss her, Kudo-kun. I miss her so much.” Her voice trembled. She can feel the tears again, but she did all she could to held them in. One crying session with the detective is more than enough. “I want to see her.” She added as she turned to him. He was looking at her intently.

He reached for her hand. “You’ll see her in some time, Hai. On the right time. Don’t you dare rush the things that aren’t meant yet.” He stated seriously. “Your sister left you here for a reason Hai. You just didn’t know quite what it was yet.”

“Kudo-kun, you have no idea what you are tal—” she did not have the chance to finish what she was about to say.

Conan’s lips suddenly landed on her cheek.

It would be an understatement if she said she was surprised. She was flabbergasted. It was a quick peck on the cheek, and it was over before she even realized yet it was as if she can still feel his soft, cool lips against her red, blushing cheeks.

She looked at him, her eyes wide with shock and confusion. She couldn’t help but notice that his ears are now in the same shade as her cheeks. She bit back a smile as Conan stared down at the grass, clearly embarrassed, like the ground suddenly became interesting.

“S-so, yeah.” He stuttered. He was obviously nervous for some reason. “Reason number six, your sister.”


A/N: I'm being emotional here, y'know. It's nearing its end. Hahaha.

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