23: Bothered.

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Day 13

She was feeling better the next day, but she still feels weak. Though the snow had died down, Conan still refused her to go back. Fortunately, classes were suspended because of the snow piled up on the road. Classes will resume tomorrow.

Now, she’s laying on bed, trying not to die because of boredom. The detective went out to buy her medicine.

After several minutes, her phone on the bedside table rang. She let the phone rang several times before she picks it up and answers it. “Hello.”

“Ai-chan!” the sweet voice of Ayumi greeted her on the other line.

“Oh…Ayumi-chan. What’s up?” She acknowledged her caller as she waited for her to speak out why she called.

“Where are you? We’re here in front of Hakase’s house but no one seems around. Did you go out?” she asked.

“I’m at Edogawa-kun’s house next door.” She stated.

“What are you doing there? No, never mind, we’re going there! See ya!” Ayumi exclaimed as she hang the phone up.

Haibara wasn’t given the time to retort.


Haibara groggily headed to the door as she heard several knocks thereafter. As expected, the beaming faces of the detective boys greeted her.

“Yo, Haibara!” Genta chimed as he barged in.

Mitsuhiko shyly nodded at her as he followed Genta inside.

Ayumi observed her for a second before she went in.

“Ne, Haibara, why are you here at Conan-kun’s house at this early hour?” Genta asked as he roamed his eyes around the house, then he added, “And where’s Conan-kun?”

Ayumi also nodded, showing her interest on the question. No wonder, she still hasn’t overcome her infatuation with Conan even though many years has passed. Mitsuhiko also expectantly looks at her, waiting for her answer.

She stared at them for a while.

She was about to answer when Genta beats her to it. “Wait! Don’t tell me…you slept here?!”

Ayumi and Mitsuhiko shockingly look at her wide-eyed.

“I-is it true, H-Haibara-san?!” Mitsuhiko asked, his face was starting to redden. 

She sighed. ‘Kids and their imaginations.’ “Yes,” she answered and before the kids could again utter a remark she added, “It’s because the professor was out and I was not feeling well. Quit the fuss.” She stated nonchalantly as she sat on the couch.

The kids stared at her for a moment. Ayumi was the first to talk. “Are you okay now, Ai-chan?”

“Better. Edogawa-kun went outside to buy some medicine.” she answered. “Would you like something to eat?”

“Of course!” Genta exclaimed loudly. He seems to have garnered a whole batch of energy by the mere mention of food.

Mitsuhiko glared at him. “Mou, Genta. Haibara-san is still recovering. We should not let her work.”

Haibara secretly smiled. “No worries. I’m fine.” She replied as she stood up and head towards the kitchen.

“Wait, Ai-chan! Mitsuhiko’s right!” Ayumi exclaimed as she followed her. “I’ll be the one to prepare!”

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