7: A Cup of Coffee

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It was day two.
Conan can't help but to think of what should be done about the deal.

Hell, he accomplished nothing yesterday. They were just cooped inside the detention room, and nothing worthy happened. Well, in his point of view.

But it was different for the scientist. Deep in her mind, the detective's words made an impact on her.

I will change your mind.

Haibara can't help but feel a tightening on her chest every time she remembered the look on his face. He looked so serious... and sincere.

She sighed as she got up from bed. It was morning again. She headed out of her room to get a cup of coffee.

"Yo." The low yet strong voice of the detective greeted her.

Haibara was surprised, yet she concealed it. She gave the detective a look of annoyance. It was too early for her to see him, she was still felling giddy thinking about him a while back yet he was again in front of her.
"Hey, you're glaring first thing in the morning." he stated.

"Well, thanks to a certain someone who is too early to be here." she answered, her eyes not leaving him.

Conan doesn't seem to be fazed, but his face showed mock surprise. "I just wanted to grab some coffee." he answered in defense.

Haibara rolled her eyes. "Can't you do that at your house?"

"Yeah.. but--"

"So get out." Before he can even finish, she cut him off.

Conan look disbelievingly at her. She wasn't sure, but she thought she saw a genuine hurt in the detective's eyes. Guilt flooded inside her. He sighed.

"Am I that much of a bother to you?" he asked in a whisper.

It took her a minute to answer.

Conan looked sadly at her. She can't seem to meet his eyes. It was like her walls would crumble if she ever did.
'No Kudo-kun. You're not a bother, but the feelings that I feel whenever your around is starting to conquer me. So please, just stay away.'

He sighed. After all the mean things she said, Haibara was sure he will go away now...that he will stay away from her. Who was patient enough to tolerate her nasty nature? She asked herself. It as just a bother to spend time for her.

Ahhh... there she goes again with her negative self. She was belittling her self again. She was drowning in self-doubt when she felt something held her hand.

She looked down only to see Conan's hand holding hers. Her eyes widened for a second. She sharply and questioningly looked at him.

Conan just stared at her sheepishly. His lips tugged into a smile.

"You're thinking unnecessary things again."

"How--" she tried to ask him how he knew, why he was being this way yet her voice seems to fail her.

"I've known you for too long now, Haibara." he answered as he squeezed her hand gently.

"Come on, let's grab some coffee." he continued, as he pulled her to the kitchen, not even giving her the chance to reply.


They drank their coffee in silence. Each inconspicuously observing each other.

Is he not mad at me? Haibara wondered. With all the mean things she just said at him, is he willing to still keep the deal?

Much as she doesn't want to admit, she was starting to feel a tad of hope in her life. Conan had given her that. Guilt and stress are eating her up, yet deep inside she felt a desire to live. To see the detective. To be at his side. But with all the failures she had done and with all the scars that she had, does she even deserve to?

"Will you stop thinking unnecessary things?"

The voice of Conan brought her back to reality.

"What?" she asked.

"I said stop thinking."

She raised a brow. Is she that obvious?

"It's all over your face. I just know you're thinking something uncalled for again. Stop that now, will you?"

Haibara just stared at him. He was unbelievable. She was being nasty at him, yet here he was... still in front of her, drinking coffee with her. It was just unbelievable.

He was the only person beside her sister that can tolerate her personality.

She can't help but think that the coffee tasted more delicious because of that thought.


A/N: I forced my braincells to write this chapter. And honestly, I am not that satisfied. What do you think?

And oh, I wanted to ask you a question. I am planning to make a day a chapter but that would mean it will be 28 chapters more, (and yes, that would be a hell lot of work and creativity). What do you think? And I wanted a theme for every chapter (like the previous ones : detention and coffee) so if you could just suggest something. Hahahahaha..

And I soo love you for reading this annoyingly long author's note! Ciao! ❤❤❤❤

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