9: Promise

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It was getting late already. They have tried all the rides despite Haibara’s protest. The detective has stubbornly drag her to any rides possible.

“Can we go home already?” she asked as she scanned the surroundings. The sun was already setting.

The detective did not answer. He was busy looking at one of the most gigantic ride on the place.

“Can we ride that first before we go?” he asked, not looking at her.

She sighed. ‘The Ferris wheel, huh. Too cliché.’

He looked at her. “Can we?” he asked again.

“A Ferris wheel for the last ride? Seriously, Kudo-kun, this is too cliché.” She stated as a matter of fact.

The detective just grinned at her. “So? Who cares?”

She bowed her head to hide the smile that she was suppressing. The detective was being stubborn as always, and she’s finding it somewhat adorable.

The detective was observing her. He was trying to read what was on her mind, but to no avail. She was a complete puzzle to him.

He can’t seem to wait for her answer anymore for he had reached for her hand, and drag her towards the said ride. Haibara cannot help but stared at him with wide eyes.

The feel of his hand on hers leaves a thousand jolts at the pit of her stomach. She wanted to squeeze his hand, to feel it more, but she was shy…and scared.

She was scared where this was going. It feels too good to be true. Him being with her, they were alone together.

She did not notice him dragging her to the ride. Her mind was still preoccupied of what was going on. They went inside. They were sitting in front of each other. A minute later, the ride started.

Kudo-kun, what are you up to?’ she asked him in her mind, while looking at him.

“What?” His voice broke her from her reverie.

“What?” she asked in return, her brows raised.

Conan shrugged and answered, “You’re staring. I thought you have something to say to me.” He said it quite calmly that Haibara felt embarrassed for a tad. But of course, she did not show it.

She too shrugged her shoulder. “Nothing. Just wondering what the hell is going on. Is there some occasion today?”

“Why’d you think so?” he replied.

“Well, there should be a special reason why you took me out here.” She stated, her voice somewhat sarcastic.

“Do I need a reason for us to go out? I just want to give you a break.” He answered casually. Haibara’’s chest tightened. She did not like where this conversation was going.

“I always have a break, Kudo-kun.” She stated flatly.

He raised a brow, “Exactly. You have a lot of free time yet you rarely go out.”

“It’s not like I need it.” She replied in a whisper, but the detective seems to heard her anyway.

He sighed. “Haibara, you need to go out once in a while. You need to enjoy and live the moment. Didn’t I tell you that?”

She looked at him. “Nothing good happens whenever I go out.” She stated flatly. Then she added in an almost inaudible voice, “I’m a curse.”

Conan intensely stared at her. She felt a tad uncomfortable. His face was so serious.

“Look, Haibara. You’re not a curse.” He seriously told her. 

She did not answer. She knew she will not win anyway. She sighed as she look sideways. They were getting higher, the buildings and people below looks so small.

On the other hand,  Conan just stared at her. She was drowning in negativity again and he wanted to stop her. Isn't that the purpose of them going out?  For her to enjoy and forget all her worries?  But it seems otherwise. What will he do to change her mind? 

As if having a mind of its own, his hand reached for her. Haibara looked at him sharply, shock evident on her face. He was looking so serious. 

"K-Kudo-kun, what?" she stuttered. 

"What will I do, Haibara?" he asked whilst looking at intensely at her. There was a glint of desperation on his voice.

"W-what are you talking about?" she asked in return, while trying to pull her hand from his grasp. Yet to no avail. His hold was tight. She was starting to panic inside.

"This." he replied. "What will I do to change your mind?"

Haibara's eyes widened at his question. He's really serious about saving her. She felt a warm churn on her stomach. She was feeling giddy.

The detective was still looking at her. She averted her gaze in embarrassment.

"Nothing, Kudo-kun." she whispered. Just you staying by my side is enough, Kudo-kun, she wanted to say.

Because she was not looking at him, she did not see the hurt in his eyes.

"Hey... " he said after a minute of uncomfortable silence. 

"Haibara, look at me." he said, as he tugged her hand.

She reluctantly look at him, and she was surprised that he was so serious. The detective opened his mouth to say a thing but no voice came out. He was having trouble speaking his thoughts. Haibara observed him for a moment. 

"Look, Haibara... don't you ever think of yourself as a curse again. You are not a curse, and you will never be. Do you understand?" He squeezed her hand tighter as he held her gaze. 

She stared at him, a tinge of blush slowly spreading on her face.

"W-why?" she whispered. "Why do you want to save someone like me?"

Conan was taken aback for a moment from the tone of her voice. It sounded vulnerable, like the walls that she had built around her started to crumble. He smiled. His voice reached her. 

"I promised you, right?" He grinned as he tilted his head a bit. He stood up and pulled her up, still holding her hand.

The ferris wheel ride has ended.


A/N: Hey! Gods, this update took way too long. I apologize, but work is taking a toll on me. Plus I seem to experience a tad difficulty finding the right words in writing, though I have the scenes already playing in my mind.
What do you think about this update?

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