I can't help but smile at his face while he is describing his family. Captain Ching looks captivated with the thought of his wife and two girls.

"It sounded like you have a wonderful family, Captain." I said. Being nice for a change.

"My wife is a shrew. And my two girls are as noisy as a pen full of squeaking pigs." Captain Ching said. "I only stay long with them twice a week, they live near the market place. Twice a week is good enough for me. I am good with that. When I was shouting at you, I am actually acting like my wife."

"Ah..." I don't know how to react to that.

"Don't worry, boy." Captain Ching smacked my shoulder again. "One day, you will find that one woman who will push you to be alive." He said.

A woman. I don't know about that. So far, I have not met any female interesting enough to catch my attention.

And I am not closing the door on the thought that my mate may not be a female at all. Look at my parents, both male and yet their love is pure and everlasting.

Who could tell the future anyways? Not me. So I will not close any doors on anything as today stands. Anything can still happen. But for now, that is not what I want. Someone I could spend my life with is not a person I need right now.

What I need is to survive this training and prove myself worthy enough to guard the Crown Prince. Once that happened, I can finally start building a name for myself. A Crown Prince guard, then a general and finally Master General of the Capital. Just like my Baba.

Not a bad plan if you ask me.


It was the start of another week when a message from my Baba came again. Calling me in his office to talk to me.

"Your father is calling on you frequently, why is that?" General Bam asked when I went to him to get his permission to see my Baba. I asked Captain Ching first to sign my permission slip but he pushed me to get General Bam's approval instead.

That is why I am here, standing in the middle of General Bam's office. Being suddenly interrogated.

I frowned at what he said in confusion, "This is the first time General Wang called for me, General." I pointed that one out. "I have been in this palace for almost a week now and this is the first time General Wang called for me."

"Is it?" General Bam frowned as well. "But before your first demonstration, you and your Baba get to talk inside this office."

"Ah yes," I remember that scene. "General Wang just inquired about my accomodation in this place. My..." I hesitated a bit before continuing, "My sister worries about me. She begged our sire to inquire about where I sleep and what my living condition is. Girls, and their worrying." I pushed my lips inwardly after telling that lie.

"I see," General Bam started signing my permission slip. After signing, he held the piece of paper on me. But when I tried to take it, General Bam pulled it away from my grasp. "Why do you think General Wang is asking to talk to you now?" He asked me.

I sighed. General Bam doesn't trust me then. And if that is the case, then there is a big chance that Captain Ching doesn't trust me either.

A Wuxia Tale: Blade in TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now