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  The smell of bacon and chocolate wakes me up from my comfortable sleep. I feel around beside me, thinking I'll find Taehyung there. But I don't, I guess it worked. Having him sleep beside me did prevent Jake from beating me up in my sleep and it also kept the babies away.

"Taehyung, go wake up Jungkook, breakfast is almost ready." Jin's sweet voice comes from the kitchen and I hear the small padding of feet on hardwood floors. I quickly pretend to be asleep. A habit of doing it with my parents I guess. Taehyung gasps when he enters the fort, which is kinda dark due to the layers of blankets. I feel him move closer to me. He kneels down and sits on his knees before letting out a small sigh. I feel a small finger poke at my hand. He sucks at waking other people up. I roll my eyes under my eyelids. Another poke to my shoulder and a squeak come from Taehyung's lips. Is he really that scared of me? Good.

"ummm....Jungkook." He whispers lightly and pokes my arm again. He hesitantly grabs my arm and shakes it lightly, he's not strong enough to shake my body. "Pssst Jungkook." His whisper comes again. He moves closer to my face, hoping to get closer to my ear. He inhales and exhales. "Jungkook wake up." I move my arms and lay on my back. He leans back. He giggles lightly and shakes me again. "Jungkook breakfast is ready, wake up." I groggily sit up. I'm face to face with Taehyung now. Who gasps and all the color from his face disappears immediately. I look straight into his eyes.

"Uh- um br-breakfast is ready." He stutters and looks anywhere but my eyes. He loses his balance and falls to the side over my legs. I laugh lightly and his face turns red with embarrassment. He quickly gets up mumbling apologies and stuttering.

"It's Okay Taehyung." I reassure him and he smiles. He takes a deep breath and stumbles out of the fort. I stretch my arms out and throw the covers off of me when I get a notification on my phone.


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liked by minamina, gdragonnnn and 152,989 others.
kimtaehyungpics he's a hottie😻
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kinsleykline headbands™️
taeismybae I'm fgckinh dying 😻🤤
jake69 mmmm baby boy 😏

I've never seen Taehyung wear a headband before, he looks nice. I don't know what kind of school plays they did back at their old school. But it's nothing like we do here. Taehyung comes back into the fort. I look up from my phone at him. He avoids eye contact and hunches his shoulders in front of me.

"Your breakfast is going to get cold Jungkook." He reaches for the blanket but yells and jumps back immediately. He shakes his hand up and down. I get up and make my way to the blanket that cut him. There's eight needles stuck into the end of it. Why the hell is there needles stuck in the blanket. I look back at Taehyung who is now examining his  bleeding pointer finger. It's cut right down the middle. I grab his hand and examine the long, shallow cut. I also notice four red scabbed finger marks dug into his palm. I don't know how he managed to get that cut. I put a little pressure on it and he winces and grabs my wrist. He realizes what he's doing and lets his hand slide off of my arm slowly.

happier [t.k]✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora