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"Why did you agree to this?" Jungkook asks, coming up beside me. My thoughts go back to him kissing me on the cheek. For real.

"It's not like I had much of a choice ko- Jungkook." I almost called him Kookie again. I shouldn't do that he probably hates it.

"Better get them to clean the house after." He says sternly, eyes wondering around the room.

"Oh, believe me, I will." I sigh and look out into the crowd of people in my living room. The girls decided to throw a party at my house. It's not like I could just say no, they already had invited everyone and bought drinks.

"I'm going to watch the kitchen." He sounds bored. I am too. It's not like I'm going to drink and not keep an eye on the people in my house. Seems like Jungkook has the same mindset as me. He walks away and into the kitchen he goes. I look around the room again. This sure is going to be a hectic and wild night.


I've been watching the kitchen for like an hour and a half now. No one seems to be up to anything in here so I think I'm good.

I go back out to the living room, the music has gotten louder, the smell of alcohol and BO more intense and the number of bodies has multiplied. Good thing we put away all the valuables before the party started. If we didn't there would most definitely be a disaster right now.

I look in the direction of where Taehyung was standing. He's not there. He must've moved to
another spot to get a better view. I think it's about time for me to go upstairs now. There's probably a horny couple hooking up in our bedroom.

As I grow nearer to the door, I hear whimpering and sobbing. I don't want to intrude but I don't want someone in my room either. I softly knock on the door and walk inside. I see a horrible scene, one that makes my heart snap.

Taehyung, shirtless, on my bed, crying his eyes out. I see his shirt by the door, torn in half. I walk over to him and he screams and jumps away. He looks up at me and he starts to cry even more. I sit down on the bed beside him and pull him close to me.

"Kookie." He sobs, throwing his arms around my shoulders and sobbing into my chest.

"What's wrong Tae?" I ask looking down at him and tightening my grin on his waist. He sobs again.

"Ch-Chen, he tried to-" he couldn't continue his sentence because he burst into tears again. I get up to my feet and Taehyung falls on to the bed. "Wh-where a-are you going." He cried out again.

"I'm gonna find Chen." I say and he starts shaking his head.

"P-please stay with me Kookie." He sobs and I no longer want to leave. "I need you Kookie, please don't leave." He lets out a strangled sob.

I walk over to the closet and pull out one of my large sweatshirts. I walk over to him and he  doesn't look up. "Here put this on Tae." I softly say and he looks up at me. I hold the shirt out over his head at put it on him. I sit back down on the bed, my back against the headboard. I grab Tae and put him in my lap. He puts his forehead in the crook of my neck and his arms around my shoulders. I can tell he's trying to hold in his cries.

"Cry it out Tae." I whisper in his ear and wrap my arms protectively around his waist. He sobs and shakes for a while. I hold him and whisper sweet things in his ear the whole time. He shouldn't have to go through this.

"K-Kookie?" He lets out through a chorus of sniffles. I hum to let him know him listening. "W-will you please sing for me?" He asks sniffling some more.

"Of course I will." I whisper scooting down onto the bed, pulling Tae along with me. I lay down and he lays down on me. Laying his head on my chest as I put my hands on his waist.

"You and I, we're like firesworks and symphonies exploding in the sky. With you I'm alive, like the missing pieces of my heart they finally collide." I hear him sigh and his sniffing calms a tad "So stop time right here in the moonlight cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes." I pause and bring my hand up to his soft hair. "Without you, I feel broke like I'm half of a whole without you, I've got no hand to hold." I smile and detach my hand from his waist and bring his into mine. "Without you, I feel torn like a sail in a storm. Without you, I'm just a sad song." I pause and hum the tune.

"With you, I fall. It's like I'm leaving all my past in silhouettes up on the wall." Taehyung sings and I smile widely and tighten my grip on his hand. "With you, I'm a beautiful mess it's like we're standing hand and hand with all our fears up o the edge." I look down to see Taehyung smiling gently looking at our connected hands.

"You're so good Tae." I whisper and he laughs lightly. "Together?" I ask and he nods his head shyly.

"So stop time right here in the moonlight cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes. Without you, I feel broke like I'm half of a whole. Without you, I've got no hand to hold." We sing together as Taehyung intertwines our fingers. "Without you, I feel torn like a sail in a storm. Without you, I'm just a sad song." Our voices mingle together and harmonize.

"Goodnight Kookie." He whispers and nuzzles into my chest.

"Goodnight Tae." I wrap one of my arms around his waist and the other one plays with his hair. This is what I love, cuddled up and sleepy. I sigh and rest my head on his. I slowly drift to sleep, listening to Taehyung's soft breaths.

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