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The alarm keeps going off and I groan. I'm about to get up and turn it off when the sound seizes. I raise my head up to see Jungkook sitting up beside me. I smile to myself, we fell asleep together as soon as we got home. I yawn and Jungkook looks over at me.

"Good morning boyfriend." He smirks and I cover my face with my hands. "My gorgeous boyfriend." He leans down and kisses my forehead.

"Good morning Kookie." I yawn and he kisses my cheeks. My face reddens again. I sit up and yawn.

"Lets get ready." Jungkook yawns and taps my knee. I nod my head and get out of bed. I am kinda looking forward to school. The first full day with Jungkook as my boyfriend.

[Time Skip]

"It took you guys long enough to get here." Kinsley teases as we sit down on the bleachers. We have some sort of assembly this morning. Almost everyone were already in their seats. Waiting for the principal to show up at the center of the court. As we were walking over to our seats I hear chatter about us from all different grades.

"I thought Jungkook hated Taehyung."

"Their height difference is adorable"

"Are they dating?"

"Mina told me she was dating Jungkook."

"I don't think they're dating, they're just walking together. Geez"

"Taehyung doesn't deserve Jungkook."

"Jungkook could do so much better."

"I wanted Taehyung."

And those were just a few that I heard. I bet there were tons more.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Jungkook smiles and motions for me to sit down first. I do as he wants and he sits beside me. The seats are quite crowded due to every student sitting there at the same time. Our legs are pressed together and so are our sides.

"Why are we in here?" I yawn and look behind me at my friends they shrug their shoulders. I look back to the gym. I never realized how many people there are in this school.

"Um... excuse me." I hear a smooth voice from in front of me. I look up to see a boy, who I don't know, has walked over and is standing a few rows away from me. I hum and look at him. "Taehyung I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me today after school." The boy smiles hopefully, playing with his nails. I open my mouth to tell him I have a boyfriend when a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Mine." Jungkook says possessively and pulls me so I'm almost sitting in his lap. The boy looks surprised and makes eye contact with me.

"S-sorry I have a boyfriend." I stutter and smile at him with sympathy. He nods sadly and walks off.

"Everyone's wants my boyfriend because he's just so cute." Jungkook says and kisses my cheek. I feel my face heat up.

"That was only one person Kookie." I grab his hands and tighten his grip on me. He laughs at my action and pulls me to sit in his lap fully. I know my face is red right now.

"No, I see the way everyone is looking at my TaeTae, no one else can have you except me." He whines and rests his head on my shoulder. It's really comfortable. I nod my head and lean back into my boyfriends chest.

"What about the way everyone is looking at my Kookie?" I ask and tilt my head slightly. I can feel him smile.

"No one can have me besides you, I wouldn't want that." Jungkook says and kisses my neck.

"Me neither." I rest my hands on his and enjoy this moment of being sat on his lap, back pressed against his chest, his arms wrapped around my waist and me being utterly happy.

"You love birds make me sick." I hear Jimin say, he's now sitting in the seat next to mine.

"Don't act like you don't do this with Yoongi all the time." I tease and his face does red as his boyfriend smiles knowingly at me and Jungkook. Dang, this is really the best time ever.


Short filler chapter, I'm having writers block

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