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"Hey Taehyung." Jungkook pops his head on the room. I look up at him, his commanding presence makes me feel 1000% smaller than I already am. "Wanna watch this movie with me downstairs?" He asks I feel obligated to say yes. I nod my head slowly and start to get out of my bed. He's already gone downstairs. The bandage is still wrapped tightly around my ankle. Some blood seeped through the white cloth.

"Do you want any popcorn?" I ask Jungkook and he's nods his head sternly. I walk towards the kitchen slowly grabbing the bagged popcorn and two red gatorades from the fridge.

I walk back into the living room to see the TV brightly lit and the lights off. The screen showed the chilling opening of 'The Babadook' shone brightly on the screen. Oh Lordy. I hate scary movies. No backing out now though, plus this popcorn is just calling my name. I sit down on the couch a small bit away from Jungkook. I put the bowl of popcorn in between us and I throw the Gatorade in Jungkook's lap. He nods his head and makes a noise of thankfulness. I turn my focus to the movie. As much as I hate it I need to watch it now.

The first part of the movie is creepy and boring. I start getting really sleeping. In my defense it is mid night so it's not really my fault. I start to doze off when a jump scare comes on the screen. I gasp lightly and jump closer to Jungkook accidentally. I don't bother moving back I'll just jump again. Jungkook takes the last handful of popcorn and puts the large bowl on the coffee table. He props his feet on short table, he shuffles in his seat to get comfortable. Jungkook's not even phased by the large, dark demon thing. I for the record can not stand it.

I decide not to pay attention anymore, or I'll have more nightmares than I already do. I start to doze off again. I'm not going to fight it anymore I'm going to wake up too late. I feel myself fall over onto a soft pillow.


I know Taehyung is scared right now, he's trying to act like it doesn't bother him but he looks incredibly uncomfortable. He starts to sway and close his eyes. He finally lets himself fall asleep. He's going to have nightmares again. I don't even know why he had them the other night. We haven't talked about it nor to I plan to if he doesn't want to. I've learned to respect the boy more. I'm lost on my thoughts when I feel a small weight on my lap. I look down to see Taehyung has fallen asleep on me. If it was any other circumstance I would push him off of me but right now I'm too tired to. The movie is almost over so I start to fall asleep myself. I bring my hand up to the boys hair, playing with his hair always lulls me to sleep. I let the dark hands of sleep pull me into the darkness.

"Jungkook." Someone shakes me I open my eyes and the bright sun blinds me. "Jungkook we're late for school, lets get ready." I open my eyes and jump slightly. I grab my phone check the time 8:48, 48 minutes late. Damn it. I nod my head and start making my way to the room to get some clothes. Tae is already dressed in casual clothes and is waiting into the living room. We always walk to school together. Only because if you walk alone you're likely to get into it with some gang or something. They tried to approach us one day calling us fags and such. But I gave them a glare and made them jump so they ran away.

"Jungkook I'm going to leave you." Taehyung's timid voice comes from the stairwell.

"Okay okay I'm coming." I protest, jogging down the stairs. "Don't rush me." Taehyung flinched at my harsh tone. He waits for me to get out the door before he follows behind closely. I may not like walking with him but nobody usually sees us. Now though, we're the only ones walking to school and we have to walk in together.

"Jungkook?" I hear Taehyung say. We never usually talk either.

"Hmmm?" I ask keeping my focus on the sidewalk.

happier [t.k]✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang