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hey guys, I'm really trying to work on chapters for screen, but school has been really stressful lately.

there was recently a group of kids that wore shirts that had 'queen queer' and 'lady lesbian' on it. I'm from a very conservative area and there's only a few lgbtq+ students in my area. I thought this was amazing for them.

the boys in my school took this shirt-wearing as personal offense. they threatened to push kids down the stairs and yelled at one of the boys in the hallway and said he was going to kill him.

the students ended up getting dress-coded for their shirts and everyone spent the rest of the week threatening the kids and making fun of them in the hallway. the local news station came to our school and did a story on it.

but it got a lot worse when A GROWN ADULT made a private Facebook group, added some of the kids from my school and said that they were going to shoot up the school on the 27th of August, due to them not liking the fact that gays exist.

no one was at school. except for me and a few other kids. there were over 250 out of 600 kids skipped school that day. there were a bunch of police officers at school, but we did not go into lockdown.

the entire day I was paranoid, but hey. it was a free day at school and I didn't get shot, so that's a plus.

but I thought y'all deserved an explication.

I didn't get shot.
hehehe jk
I'm okay.

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