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As always, ideas are welcomed, I appreciate you all! <3


The next morning, at the Burrow, Arthur heard an owl tapping at the window. He drowsily read the letter.

Molly and Arthur,

I'm terribly sorry to ask, I wish I didn't need to, but Lu and I've got a meeting with Minister Shacklebolt in a few hours. We can take Delilah, but we need someone to take the twins for a little while. If you don't mind sitting, could we drop them off?

Please owl back soon,

Harry J. and Luna J. Potter

He quickly ran up to the room he shared with his wife, being careful not to wake George or Ginny --George occasionally dropped in when he didn't want to sleep in the Shop alone, and Ginny hadn't moved out -- before waking Molly.

"Harry and Luna want to know if we can take their twins--"

"Of course, what time?"

"A few hours."


Delilah had just turned on her favorite show, Barney when she saw an owl fly through an open window. "Hello Mister Owl! Is that for Mama and Papa?"

She took the letter and shared a bit of her oatmeal with it. "I'll wake 'em up."

She tiptoed into their room, and jumped on Harry's side. He had an arm around Luna's waist. "There's a letter!"

Harry jolted, nearly knocking her off the bed, his heart pounding. "Don't do that, Delilah, you nearly gave Papa a heart attack!" He chided with a chuckle.

Luna stirred as Harry sat up to read the letter. "Harry? What's wrong?"

She could feel how fast his heart was beating through his shirt.

"Delilah, baby girl, why don't you go watch Barney?"

Harry tried scribbling a response.

"Everything alright? Har?" She asked taking his hand in one of hers, placing a hand in his fast beating chest.

He nodded. "I wasn't expecting the jump and yell," he shook his head. "Its been years since everything, I shouldn't—"

"It's perfectly normal, Har. One day everything will be perfectly good. Who's the letter from?"

"It's a response from Molly. She'll watch Juniper and Nova while we're at the meeting."

Luna nodded. "I'll get Delilah and myself dressed. Why don't you take a shower, Love? You're awfully tense."

Harry nodded, threading his hand through his hair. "Yeah, I'll do that."

Soon enough, Luna wearing a summery, creme colored dress, Harry wearing a casually classy shirt and jeans, and Delilah wearing overalls and leggings, they headed to the Burrow, Juniper and Nova in their parent's arms.

"Oh Harry, Luna, Delilah!" Molly called from the kitchen.

Juniper started fussing in Luna's arms, and she quickly quieted her.

Molly called Ginny. "Ginny! Get down here!"

Ginny came running down the stairs sleepily. "Ooh, the babies?" She ran over. "Can I hold her?" She asked Harry.

He nodded. "I mean, you are her godmother, Gin."

"So it's...?"

"You're holding Nova. You can tell because she has a freckle just above her eye." Luna supplied.

Molly looked Harry over. "Oh, have you lost weight? You look so tired!"

Harry paused, then said, "I haven't lost weight, I've been stuffing my face with everything you sent me. I promise."

"You're much to skinny." Molly tsked.

Harry looked at the clock. "We must be going, thank you Molly."

Luna took Delilah's hand. "Come baby girl. We're off to the Ministry."

They waved to the Weasleys before Flooing.
A woman named Audrey met them at the Atrium. "Hello! Audrey Barnett," she stuck a hand out eagerly.

Harry and Luna shook it as Delilah peered around curiously.

"I'm to escort you directly to Minister Shacklebolt. This way please."

They stepped into a lift with her, and Delilah said, "How many people work here? Are they all grumpy? They look grumpy."

Audrey laughed. "Not all of them are." She knelt down. "But most are very grumpy."

"You're not grumpy. You're nice. D'you know Percy? He's lonely."

Harry chuckled. Percy wouldn't like her saying that.

Audrey laughed again. "Weasley? I do know him, we work on the same floor."

"Do you loovveee him?" Delilah asked.

"Delilah, honey?" Luna chuckled. "That's quite personal."

"But you and Papa say you love each other all the time. I don't hear anyone here sayin' it."

The bell dinged.
Audrey happily pointed them to an office. "The Minister's right in there." She winked at Delilah. "Let Percy know I'd like to get a cuppa sometime."

Harry knocked.

"Come in." Said a gruff voice.

The three walked in quietly, and Delilah waved.

The Minister chuckled quietly. "Have a seat, please."

Harry spoke first. "Minister—"

"Please, Harry, Kingsley. I reckon we've known each other long enough?"

Harry nodded. "All right, Kingsley. Why exactly are we here?"

Kingsley looked saddened. "I fear for your family's safety. Especially with the birth of your twins, and the recent news."

"What recent news?" Delilah interrupted.

Harry realized bringing her to this particular meeting wasn't his best idea.

Luna shifted Delilah into her lap. "You're a big girl, so I'll tell you. The bad guys from the war, you remember them?"

"Yeah. They tried to kill Papa and his friends."

"Yes, well now there are more bad guys, who want to kill Harry and us." Luna explained.

Kingsley nodded. "Which is why I feel Harry should resign from his position at Hogwarts."

"What?" Harry asked incredulously. "With all respect, Kingsley, I can't!"

"You are endangering Hogwarts by staying there, Harry. Im sorry, but once word gets out about these Death Eaters...the parents won't feel safe with their kids obstacles between the Death Eaters and their target; you."

"Kingsley, I understand what you're saying," Harry told him. "I do, honestly. I just don't know if I can do that. You know I want these kids safe, I mean, the Home is evidence!"

"The fact of the matter is that we have to take every precaution, and right now, taking you away from the children of Hogwarts is the next step. I will not be moved on this, Harry."

"Can I at least finish out the year? Its only a month."

"I'm afraid not even a day. I'm sure Minerva will want to have a goodbye feast, you can say your goodbyes then."


"You're dismissed."

Harry gawked at him, before his face became set like stone. "Understood."

He took Luna's hand and led them away.

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