Diagon Alley

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Monday morning, several owls came poring in. Each with a letter from Hogwarts for every student. "Guys! Hogwarts letters are here!" Ginny yelled.

The kids came thundering down the stairs and grabbed their letters.

Harri turned to Harry and, jumping up and down, begged, "Can we go to Diagonal Alley, Harry? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Ca-"

"Yes!" Harry laughed. "Grab your lists, eat breakfast, and we'll go."

"Yay!" They cheered.

Luna kissed Harry's cheek. "I'll be waiting for you there. I need to get some things."


"Okay, what do you want to get next?" Harry asked the group of first years with him. They had decided to take groups of each year as it'd be too many people at once all together.

"Books." Damiana suggested.

Harry nodded. "To Flourish and Blotts it is!"

While in Flourish and Blotts, they heard a 'BANG!' and Ellie screamed, grabbing Skye's hand. Skye jerked it away, while Damiana grabbed Ellie's hand instead.

Harry turned to them. "Guys, don't worry. We're near WWW. It was probably just some kid setting off a firework." He soothed. He tried not to think of the worse possibilities--Death Eaters, explosions, enemies, Voldemort--"no, he's dead!" Harry told himself firmly. "That's what you thought last time," Another voice whispered. Harry shook his head. "Does everyone have their books?"

They all nodded. "Good. Where to next? Ro-"

"HHEEEEELLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!!" Harry was interrupted by a piercing shriek.

The first years crowded around Harry. He took a deep breath. "Guys, promise me you'll stay here. Please."

"We promise." They whispered.

"Good. Go hide behind the counter." Harry instructed.

Harry looked out the window to see the small group of Death Eaters. "Ugh. Why?" Before the door was blasted in. "Expelliarmus!" Harry exclaimed.

The Death Eater's wand flew from their hand, and Harry yelled, "Stupefy!" Down they went.

More came near, hearing Harry's voice. One spotted Harri. "There, that girl! Grab her!"

Harry growled at him, "Don't you dare!"

Someone grabbed her, and Neville ran in. "Harri!" He turned his wand on the one holding her. "Stupefy!"

Harri was dropped and she ran back to the counter, but someone realizedthere were people behind the counter and yelled, "Confringo!"

Damiana grabbed Ellie and threw her off to the side in time, but Damiana got the blunt of the hit, and was knocked out. "Damiana!" Ellie sobbed from her corner. Skye looked like she wanted to comfort her, but restrained herself.

Harry closed his eyes before yelling one spell after another at every single masked person before he ran outside.

He saw Hermione back to back with Ginny and Ron, all closed in a circle of curses. Harry wanted to help them, but he saw Luna battling five grown men, all on her own. He snuck up behind one of the bigger men and whispered, "Stupefy!" Before he had time to help anymore, however, a curse was sent directly at Luna's head, giving her a huge gash, and all she could do before she fell unconscious was say, "Oh no,"

Harry snarled at the men and stupefied them all within seconds. He ran everywhere, cursing everyone in masks in his fury. Finally, he heard Ginny yell, "Finally! Those damn bozos are finished!"

He ran back to Luna and cradled her in his arms, before calling, "Hermione, help!"

Hermione ran over. "Luna! Oh, Harry, your arm looks broken, let me--"

"Fix Luna first."

"But, your shirt is soaked with bloo-"
"Luna, first." He demanded.

She nodded. "Right. Okay. We should call Madam Pomfrey."

"On it." George told them, passing by.

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