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"Hey Harry, why don't you go hang out with someone you haven't seen in a while? I'm taking Delilah shopping." Luna suggested one morning.

Harry looked up from where he was making pancakes and nodded. "Alright. I think I'll check on Fleur and the baby."

Luna smiled at him and grabbed the grinning three year old. "See you later Love."

So, at ten o'clock, there was a knock at Shell Cottage, and Fleur got up to see who it was, Victoire in her arms. " 'arry! Come een, come een!"

Harry smiled at her and walked in. "How are you Fleur?"

"I'm well, leetle Victoire is keeping me busy." Fleur smiled at him.

"Ah, yes. If you ever need some help, call me. If you want, I could cook some lunch?" Harry offered.

Fleur smiled. "That would be nice. But if you'd like to hold her..."


Fleur nodded. "Of course."

Harry took the baby girl from her mother and cradled her carefully. "She's beautiful, Fleur."

"She 'as Bill's eyes." Fleur sat cliser, and said, "You know, 'arry, the only reason we didn't make you Godfather ees excuse you already have Teddy and Delilah. I wanted to."

"Harry looked into her deep blue eyes. "Me? Why?"

"You are one of my best friends. I only have this family, and you 'ave always been nice to me. I'd like to meet more, but we're always so busy."

Harry nodded. "Well, The Home doesn't need me this year, so I'm free. Maybe I could come over or you could come to mine?"

Fleur smiled at him. "I'd like that."

Victoire started falling asleep, and Fleur sighed. "I should go lay 'er down. I'll be back."

Skye was sitting alone in her room, writing a letter to her father.
I know you liked when Lord Voldemort was alive, and you've joined the group that are trying to get that world back. I've decided I'd like to help if possible. Owl me soon.

She took a breath before sending it.
"Ellie, wanna go hang out with Harri and Gwen? Petunia is gonna let us try on old gowns she found." Damiana asked.

Ellie looked up from her notepad. "Yeah, let's go."

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