"What's wrong with Hagrid?"

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A Few Weeks Have Passed

Harry was sitting in the sitting room, reading A Professor's Guide: Defense By: Daniel R., when the Floo flashed. He looked up, beginning his normal procedure. "What did you tell me that night you caught Mione, Ron, and I wrestling?"

She instantly replied, "Lift up your shirt."

Harry smiled, letting her through. "Hello, Minerva. Would you like some cookies? Kreacher made some today."

"Yes, thank you," She told him gratefully, looking around. The place had really changed. It was no longer black and dark, but now the walls were a bright white, with brand new furniture in most rooms, and new --both wizard and Muggle-- appliances.

He lead her to the kitchen. "Is everything alright? I thought I was coming up to Hogwarts in two days, not tonight."

"Everything's . . .well . . .it's Hagrid." She told him, a concerned look on her face.

Harry's head shot up from where he was looking at a photo. "What? What's happened?"

"I don't know, I'm sorry." She told him with a shake of her head. "All I know, is he won't come out of his hut."

"Okay..." Harry sighed, beginning to pace. "Okay, uh...can I come up tonight? I can just come a day early? Wait, I have to meet with Aunt Petunia...umm, I can just come back that day though--" He began muttering.

"That might be best. He refuses to answer." Minerva told him, following him to his --Sirius' old-- room.

There were five suitcases. Before he'd had a chance, she had already muttered, "Reducere {Reh-deh-doo-chee-a-ray}, and his suitcases were small enough for a Barbie.

He tucked them in his pockets, told her, "I'll meet you at the Floo. I need to talk to Kreacher." She nodded, leaving him in the room alone. "Kreacher," He called.

With a 'POP' Kreacher was there. "Yes, Master Harry?"

"Kreacher, I have o go to Hogwarts and get settled, help Hagrid, but then tomorrow, I'll be back around 10, my aunt and cousin are arriving around lunch time. Can you make some Muggle foods?''

"Yes, Kreacher will make food for your...family."

"Thanks, and Kreacher? Please try to relax tonight, you've benn working so hard lately."

Kreacher nodded. "Master Ron says bad things about Master Harry's Muggle family. He says they're as bad as the evil killers that killed Master Harry. Kreacher does not like them. Kreacher does not"

Harry grimaced. "yeah, well, I need to go. Bye Kreacher."


Harry ran down the stairs, skipping several. "Minerva, is my scar problem going to be an issue, with school?"

'No, you'll do fine, I should think. You didn't hurt during the day, correct?"

"Correct. Just ached some."

She threw the powder in. "We'll figure everything out. HOGWARTS!"


Harry pounded on Hagrid's door.

"I ain't comin' out!" Hagrid yelled.

"Hagrid! It's Harry! I just wanna talk!" Harry yelled through the door.

" . . . " The door slowly creaked open. Hagrid peeked out, pulling Harry in, before slamming the door again.

"Well, that was rude!" Came Minerva's muffled voice.

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