Andromeda Tonks

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Andromeda was sitting in her kitchen playing with Teddy when she heard someone knocking at her door. "Coming!" She called, picking Teddy up.

When she opened the door however, Harry was standing there with a small child. The little girl had blonde hair with little curls, and it went to her ears, it had a pink bow in it, blue eyes, and wore a pink dress. She was sucking one thumb, and held Harry's hand with the other. "Hi Andy. I'd like you to meet someone." Harry smiled.

"Oh, yes, come inside." Andy let him follow her through the doorway to the kitchen.

After sitting in a chair and sitting Teddy in his highchair, she motioned for Harry to do the same.

He sat the girl on his lap and made sure to hold both her hands away from anything. "So, Andy, this little girl here is Delilah. Delilah, this is Andy."

The girl gave a small smile, but otherwise didn't respond.

"Um, hi Delilah. That's a pretty name."

"She doesn't talk much yet. I think she's scared. Anyway, she was left on my doorstep last night, and I wanted you to meet her. Maybe when Teddy's a bit older they can be friends." Harry told her.

Andy nodded. "Why are you holding her hands like that?"

Harry looked at their hands. "She has special powers, but doesn't know how to control them yet. She can control fire."

Andy nodded. "Oh, okay. And you're sure she's safe with the Home?"

"Yes, I think. I was hoping you knew some spells to fireproof the Home actually."

She looked at him oddly. "I do, but couldn't Hermione help?"

Harry shook his head with a scowl. "She hasn't talked to me since this morning. She doesn't want Delilah there. Apparently she thinks I shouldn't trust my instincts so much because I need to think of Sirius, and her, and Ron." He looked down as he started blaming hinself again.

"Hey," she whispered. "Don't start blaming yourself.Remus always said you had the best instincts. Trust yourself. I'll teach you the spells I know. Give me one minute." She got up, handing Harry some gloves. "These are fireproof, used by dragon tamers. Just shrink them and make sure they stay on."

Harry smiled at her until thanks before putting them on Delilah. "Try to keep those on, okay Kiddo?"

She nodded, looking at her hands.

Harry stood up and let her sit back down while he went to see Teddy. "Hey Tedster. How are you?"


"Yeah, I'm Harry."

"Here you are, Harry. Just wave your wand around the area, an say, 'tueri incendio' you'll never worry about fire."

"Thanks Andy. Bring Teddy over soon, alright? I miss you both." Harry grinned at them.

She smiled. "Go on, you. I'll see you soon, Delilah!"

Delilah waved shyly.

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