Return to Hogwarts

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"Welcome back once again students! I hope we all have an uneventful year, but as long as Professor Potter has been here he's been near death, so I doubt it will happen." Minerva greeted.

Harry laughed, bowing his head.

The kids from The Home waved at him, and he swept the hair from his eyes and winked at them.

"Now, there are some additional classes to our curriculum this year. We will be adding several new classes such as Maths, Science, Geography, English, language, and several clubs. There will also be a 'Student Space' open to all houses.
What that is, is a space for all students to unwind and mingle. You can do whatever and any Muggle technology works in only the space.
If you would like to add any of these classes to your schedules or would like more information, speak to your Heads. Now, to the feast!" Minerva called.

Ugghhhhhh. I'm soon sorry these chapters are so short. 😕 im having a bit of a writers block.

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