Hippogriff Rides

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"Mione! Where are you?" Ron called, walking into the Burrow."

"Upstairs, Ron!" He heard.

"What's up? Why'd you leave?"

"He never listens! He's just like a child!" She snapped.

Ron tried to soothe her. "Hey, he never got to be a kid like us, and besides, it's not fair if you act like his mum."

"But, he needs one, he doesn--"

"Hermione, he doesn't need a mother, he's gotten by fine without one. Just be a sister."

"Oh, alright." She muttered, melting into his embrace.

"Hey Ron, did you fi--" Harry walked in. "Shite, shite, sorry didn't mean to, bye!"

They both laughed.

"Harry, wait up!" Hermione called after him.

"Yeah?" He asked, perched at the bottom of the stairs.

"Sorry I ran off."

"It's okay. Listen, Hermione, I really am sorry that I don't pay attention, I just, it's hard, because you're my sister, and I don't like being talked to like I'm a child." He cringed, like he feared her reaction.

"I know, Harry I'm sorry. I just care about you, and I don't want you hurt."

"I know Mione. Anyway, wanna come talk? You can play with Obsidian. I left him upstairs in Ron's room." Harry offered.

Hermione laughed. "Only you would have a pet dragon--well, and Hagrid. Sure, are we gonna have one of our 'talks'?"

Ron came up behind them. "Those are awkward to be at, like, they're deep." He chuckled, putting an arm over Harry's shoulders. "Those stairs are awfully steep. I don't think I can make it!" He looked at Harry expectantly.

"What? I am no--no! Don't you dare, give me the puppy eyes! You're a prat!" Harry laughed, bending over so Ron could get on his back. "Holy--we're getting too old for this, y'know."

"Oh my god, Ron, you're going to break Harry's back!" Hermione worried.

Ron whined, "Well I'm so very sorry all I want is a Hippogriff ride from my best mate, is that too much to ask?"

"Hippogriff ride?" Hermione laughed. "I still can't believe witches and wizards don't call it piggyback ride."

"Just shut up and sit still." Harry muttered. "And careful of your shoes, they're breaking my ribs!"


"There!" Harry gasped, flinging Ron off his aching back, and onto his bed. "Jesus Ron, this was way easier back in first year."

"I am not fat! You absolute prat!" Ron yelled.

"I didn't call you--" Harry argued, stopping when Hermione plopped a hat on his head. "In a hat," then shoved him onto his bed, and with a wave of her wand, "mat reformare!" and Harry landed onto his usual bed, transfigured to a mat. "On a mat!"

Ron continued, "With a rat," and gave Harry a dead rat from Pig's cage.

Harry rolled his eyes, facing an invisible camera -- like in the office-- and dully drawled, "My best friends, ladies and gentlemen..."

George walked in, laughing his arse off. "Harry! Oh Merlin! This is hilarious! I love you three. By the way Ron, Harry approved, so you can be at work by Monday." George said, leaving.

"Thanks Mate!" Ron grinned.

Harry rolled his eyes. "You didn't seriously think I'd say no, right?"

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