A New Mark

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Harry decided to go to dinner that night, and all the attention was on him.

"Harry, you look terrible, are you alright?" Pomona had already asked this six times.

Harry looked at Minerva. "You haven't told them?"

She shook her head.

"Can I?"

She nodded.

Harry explained everything, to which Hagrid told him to eat more. "Yeh look like you just got finished transforming into a Hippogriff, Thestral, Centaur, an' then Umbridge. Yeh need yer food!"

Harry laughed.

Near the end of dinner, Damiana Zhang, Kelsey and Lucas O'Malley, and Luna came up to him.

"Are you alright, Professor Potter? You look like Pig shite!" Lucas exclaimed, making Harry laugh into his hand.

"Oh, shut up you prat!" Kelsey had scolded, elbowing him in the ribs.

Damiana grinned. "Professor, are you okay? Luna says you are, but you really do look terrible."

"I'm alright, just a bit worn out. Go on to bed guys, I'll be fine."

Damiana looked concerned, but left.

"Harry, did you get another...?" Luna whispered, accompanied by Minerva. They were both walking Harry back to his rooms, despite his insistence, he was fine.

"Yeah. One on my arm. It starts on the inside of my elbow. Am I supposed to put cream on that too?"

Minerva shrugged. "Won't hurt. Are you sure you're well enough to teach tomorrow? Hagrid's description was right."

Harry sighed. "I'm sure. Hey Lu, how were the students?"

She smiled. "They were wonderful! No wonder you love teaching. That Damiana Zhang girl, we're friends, she worries me."

Harry nodded. "Yeah, I get a bad feeling."

Minerva gazed down at them. "What do you mean?"

Luna sighed. "Just...a person's energy, or magical vibe, like yours for example, should be more...golden. Whether they're a good or bad person. But a person like Harry, who was abused..."

She paused as Harry winced. He still didn't like it being called that. It made him feel dirty.

"...it shows up, well as a range of colors most are shades of purple and black. It depends how much trauma you've suffered. Like Harry, his isn't completely black, but it's more of a grey color."

Minerva and Harry nodded.

"What is Ms. Zhang's?"

"Well, hers is a lighter gray it's more of a orange-brown with dots of grey. It shows she has a hard life, but she hasn't seen and done as much as Har."

Minerva frowned. "Harry, we may need to put the Marauder's Children's Home into action sooner than I thought."

Harry nodded, muttering, "Wrackspurts."

"Harry, let me touch it. It looks bad." Luna begged.

Harry sighed. "Okay, just don't worry if I freak out."

Luna nodded, gently laying her hand onto his arm.

Harry blacked out.

Okay, @phoenixfeather28

I know I promised no more cliffhangers, but C'mon! It easy the perfect ending!

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