October 31st

468 23 4

Damiana, Ellie, Kelsey, and Lucas were out under their tree and the latter were arguing. Again.

"Oh shut up! I'm older!"
"By six minutes!"
"Best six minutes of my life!"
"Well, you're ugly!"
"We're twins, you idiot!"
"You are so annoying!"
"Not as annoying as you Keke!"
"I've told you! Don't call me that!"
They stuck their tongues out at each other.

"Hey, Mudbloods!" Someone called.

Damiana and Lucas immediately stood up.

It was Joanne from Slytherin and Skye was with her. Skye shrugged at Ellie as if to say, 'I can't control her,'

Ellie huffed. "Just leave us alone Joanne."

"Hey, it's not my fault you choose to hang out with Mudbloods and orphans! You should be with us."

Ellie rolled her eyes. "At least my friends are decent human beings! They don't curse first years."

"Whatever. Skye, let's go."

Skye looked at her sister longingly before following.

"You Guys should get going to the feast." Came a quiet voice.

They all pulled their wands out until they saw it was just Harry. "I see I've taught you something." He chuckled.

"Professor, are you okay?" Damiana asked.

Harry gave her half a smile. "Yeah. I'm fine. You should get to the feast."

"Aren't you coming?" Lucas asked.

Harry shook his head. No, I've already told the Headmistress. She knows. Go on, you don't want to be late."

They ran off, wondering why their usually lively and cheerful Professor was looking so heartbroken.
"Hey Nev."

"Hey Harry." Neville replied, turning away from his spewing cactus. "What brings you to my Herbology gardens?"

Harry cracked a smile. "Just wanted to let you know the feast will be starting soon. And as a Professor you're expected." he smiled again. "Also to say bye. I'll be back late tonight."

Neville frowned. "Are you going to visit your parents?"

Harry nodded.

"Oh. I'd offer to come, but I know you'll wanna be alone. Good luck, and try not to do something stupid."

Harry chuckled. "Wow, thanks Snake Killer."

Neville gave him a hug.

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