Look What I Found!

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So, I thought you might like a bit more about the kids. : ) Anyway, just a lil' chapter. Let me know if you've got any ideas of what you wanna see!

Also, the pic at the top, I drew and colored. Like it? I don't know how I feel...
Damiana was exploring the house Tuesday morning before breakfast, when she came to a dusty room. Inside the room was just a simple cabinet. "Well," she told the seemingly empty room, "Harry said it was safe here."
And without any further consideration, she yanked open the cabinet. She saw what looked like a...huge bowl? And vials of clear liquid, each labeled different things. "Harry?!" She called, running down two flights of stairs to the kitchen.

"Damiana? Everything alright?" Harry asked, coming out the drawing room, looking exhausted.

He looked like that a lot these days.

Damiana shrugged. "Yeah, I think. I was exploring—"

Ginny interrupted, ruffling Harry's hair. "Oh, poor Dami! You're rubbing off on her!"

Harry scowled up at her, but he laughed. "Shut it Gin Gin!"

She glared.

"Anyway," Damiana interrupted. "I was in this room. It was really dusty. And there was a cupboard, I opened it," she ignored Ginny's pointed look at Harry. "and there was this huge bowl in it. And tons of vials with clear liquid. Labeled things like, Marauders—"

Harry exchanged a surprised look with Ginny, who looked at him with a dead serious look. "Harry. Harry, don't get your hopes up. It might be nothing!"

He nodded, only halfway paying attention.

"Yeah, yeah. Damiana, how about you get some breakfast, then show me the room later?"

Damiana nodded, already chewing her Muggle cereal. "No problem, Harry."

"This way."

Damiana and Harry made their way up the two flights of stairs and down the long corridor, finally turning into the dusty room.

Harry walked towards the cupboard, gasped, and then explained what a pensieve was to Damiana who didn't know.

"Oh, cool. Well, I'll see ya Harry!" Damiana replied, farting away.

"Ginny, come here." Harry called, sitting on the floor.

"What is it?" Ginny asked, sliding down next to him.

"Read the note." Harry told her, passing a scrap of parchment to her. She noticed his hands shook very slightly.

"It was attached to the cupboard door." He told her.

The note read, 'Harry (at least I hope it's you reading this) I doubt I'll survive the war, but I feel you will, and you deserve to have these memories. I hope you like it, and remember, I love you, and don't blame yourself for any deaths. This is war.
— Moony'

She looked at his face. "Oh, Harry. Don't forget what Dumbledore said. 'Don't pity the dead, pity the living, and those who live without love.' Watch the memories. I have to go back downstairs. But I'll get someone. Ron or Nev?"

Harry shrugged. "Nev."

She smiled, squeezed his shoulder, and left.
Harry dipped his head into the pensieve, watching the memories. They varied, some were from when his father was in school, some of his mother, others of the marauders individually and together. When Harry got out, he saw Neville sitting next to him.

Neville just took Harry and pulled him so his head was against his shoulder. Harry's lip trembled as tears escaped his tightly closed eyes. "It's-its j-just so hard—"

Neville nodded. "I know, Mate. I know it is."

After a minute, Harry straightened up and wiped his eyes. "Thanks." He muttered.

Neville nodded. "No problem. Let me know if you need me."

Harry nodded.

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